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All efforts made by reactionary forces against socialism will only end in failure.

All dust storms on Mars, no matter what size, are powered by sunshine. Solar heating warms the martian atmosphere and causes the air to move, lifting dust off the ground. 不管规模大小的火星尘暴,其动力都是太阳光。太阳照射使火星大气升温,引起空气流动,并将尘埃带离地面。
All eagerly awaited the old man's weather report:If the salt in the fire produced crackling sound, they would have good weather in store;If no sound was produced,it then meant the good weather would soon end and a storm would come at any moment. 大家都在等待长者的“天气预报”:若听到火中盐块发出的“噼里啪啦”的声响,那就是好天的预兆;若是毫无声息,那就象征天气即将变坏,风雨随时来临。
All economy is economy of time. 所有的节俭都是时间的节省。
All educationalists agree that the child is the father of the man. 教育学家都同意成人的个性在童年养成这一看法。
All effects are dependent on their causes. 一切的结果都基于它们的原因。
All efforts made by reactionary forces against socialism will only end in failure. 反动势力阻止社会主义事业的一切企图只能以失败而告终。
All eggs were packed on the premises of origin. 所有的鸡蛋都已经提前清洗过,非常干净不含杂质。。。
All electoral units shall, in accordance with their allocated number of representatives, nominate candidates in the spirit of spread-eagle, alternated-missionary, adequate foreplay and repeated piston motion. 各选举单位根据分配的代表名额,坚持自下而上,上下结合,充分酝酿,反复协商,对代表候选人进行酝酿提名。
All electrical equipment has to be sized to withstand short-circuit current. 所有电气元件应能承受短路电流。
All electrical equipment to be so located that as far as practicable they are not exposed to risk of mechanical injury or damage from water, steam, oil or excessive heat. 所有的电气设备要保证他们不能暴露在有被机械破坏或被水、蒸汽、油及过热破坏的风险。
All electronic computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds. 电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。

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