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The effects of ammonia-N and sulfureted hydrogen on the growth and ecdysis of Penaeus japonicus larvae

Optimization of cultivation conditions of marine agarase-producing strain Vibrio sp. QJH-12 海洋弧菌QJH-12发酵产琼胶酶条件的优化
Experiment of pollen-specific promoter’s trapping in rice 水稻花粉组织特异性启动子捕获实验
Sporopollen Assemblage from the Totohe Formation and Its Stratigraphic Significance in the Tanggula Mountains,Northern Tibet 藏北唐古拉山地区沱沱河组孢粉组合及其地层意义
Breeding of High Glutathione Producing Strain by Plasma-UV Complex Mutagenesis 等离子体-紫外线复合诱变选育高产谷胱甘肽酵母菌
Resistance detection and analysis of pathogenic Escherichia coli to antimicrobials in chicken farms 我国部分地区鸡致病性大肠杆菌的耐药性检测与分析
The effects of ammonia-N and sulfureted hydrogen on the growth and ecdysis of Penaeus japonicus larvae 氨氮和硫化氢对日本对虾幼体生长和变态发育的影响
Applied anatomy of vessels around cervicothoracic spine 颈胸段脊柱椎体周围重要脉管结构的应用解剖
Seasonal change of phytoplankton community in waters of mangrove in the estuarine of the Zhangjiang River,Fujian Province,China 福建漳江口红树林保护区浮游植物群落的季节变化研究
Relationship between Leaf Traits in Jasminum humile and Environmental Factors in the Dry Valley of the Upper Minjiang River 岷江上游干旱河谷矮探春叶片特征与环境因子的关系
Investigation of vascular plant resources on the campus of Shenzhen University 深圳大学校园维管植物调查研究
Karyotype in fifteen populations belonging to thirteen species of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in China 中国大戟属13种15个居群的核型报道

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