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607 The X2500 has the unique feature of providing better data flow with less input time.

60000 M/T, gross for net,5% more or less at Seller's option at contract prices. 蚕豆60000公吨,以毛作净,卖方可溢短装5%,增减部分按合同价格计。
603 Please look at the data of this first chart. 请看第一幅图表的数据。
606 Now, we're doing something new making skin strong enough that it doe 't wrinkle, become dry, or develop blemishes. 现在我们正在做一些改进,使皮质变得坚韧而不致有皱纹,变干或产生磨损。
606 Now, we're doing something new making skin strong enough that it doesn't wrinkle, become dry, or develop blemishes. 现在我们正在做一些改进,使皮质变得坚韧而不致有皱纹,变干或产生磨损。
607 The X2500 has the unique feature of providing better data flow with le i ut time. 这种X2500型的特点就是减少输入时间,使资料更为顺畅。
607 The X2500 has the unique feature of providing better data flow with less input time. 这种X2500型的特点就是减少输入时间,使资料更为顺畅。
608 Compared to the previous model, our new model is le expe ive and easier to use. 与旧型机比较我们的新型价格便宜且更容易操作。
608 Compared to the previous model, our new model is less expensive and easier to use. 与旧型机比较我们的新型价格便宜且更容易操作。
61 And tension is just dissolving away. 紧张压力都消失不见了。
61 Please get on ferry bus step forward. 请抬脚上摆渡车。
61 What efforts does the company make in regards to management, air purification, and hazardous materials? 工厂在空气净化和危险物品管理方面采取了什么措施?

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