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I just started working on the China trip slide show today.

I just sipped it suspiciously, not knowing what it was going to taste like. 我只是存著怀疑地啜饮,并不知道它尝起来怎样。
I just smile and nod. 我只是笑一笑,点点头。
I just solved the mystery. 我刚刚把那个谜底解开了。
I just spaced out. 我刚刚失神了一下。
I just started this year warming up with my IPOD music. 我今年刚开始了对我的IPOD音乐提高热情。
I just started working on the China trip slide show today. 今天我开始了在“中国之行”图片展的工作。
I just talked to captain about your connection to Vienna. 我已经告诉机长您要转机去维也纳了。
I just think he is wicked. 我觉得他很酷。
I just think if you're fortunate enough to be confident and secure in yourself, and you know it's a role you play, I don't see where the problem lies, really. 我只是觉得如果你幸运到非常自信,非常放心,而且你认识到那只是一个角色,我不知道哪还会有问题,真的。
I just think it's a dream to think politics is anything but crass. 我倒觉得把政治想成是完全没有粗野根本是在作梦。
I just think they have a lot of heart. 我觉得他们很有企图心.

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