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A committee gave its findings last week about the Virginia Tech shootings in April.

A commissar shall judge you fairly, but any sign of cowardice or weakness shall be purged from his sight. 政委会公平地看待每一个人,但任何怯懦或是软弱的人,他都会将其从视线中抹去。
A commissioned unit shall collect taxes lawfully in the name of the taxation authority pursuant to the conditions stipulated in the certificate of a commissioned tax collector. 受托单位按照代征证书的要求,以税务机关的名义依法征收税款。
A commitment to citizens is the implied covenant with the public, which tells the audience that the movie reviews are straight, that the restaurant reviews are not influenced by who buys an ad, that the coverage is not self-interested or slanted for frien 对市民的承诺是对公众的一种含蓄的誓约,它知会受众电影评论是坦诚直率的;关于餐馆的讲说并不受买主及广告商的影响;其新闻报道的范围也不会以自我为本位或向友人倾斜。
A commitment to excellence, integrity, being hereeveryday. 一种对每天卓越、正直、「存在这里」的承诺。
A committee at [ the university ] asked its president to reprimand a scientist who tested gene - altered bacteria on trees (New York Times). 校委会要求校长申斥在树上做细胞基因变化试验的科学家(纽约时代杂志)。
A committee gave its findings last week about the Virginia Tech shootings in April. 上周,某委员会发表了一个调查报告。此报告是关于4月份的弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案的。
A committee of 24 barons plus the Mayor of London was chosen to help the king carry out the Charter, with the right of declaring war on him should he break its provisions. 由24名贵族和伦敦市市长组成的委员会帮助国王执行大宪章,若国王违反规定,他们有权对国王宣战。
A committee of members elected to administer the temporal affairs of a parish. 教区委员会被选举出的委员会,管理一个教区的世俗事件
A committee of outside experts convened by the FDA is scheduled to gather Wednesday to hash out the risks and benefits of the drug, which has been approved in Europe. FDA召集成立的一个由外界专家组成的委员会准备在周三召开会议,讨论此药的风险和利益,目前此药已经在欧洲获得了批准。
A committee selecting a permanent 9/11 memorial for Pier A Park has narrowed the field to four finalists. 为A码头公园选择一个纪念“911”事件永久纪念物的委员会选出四组最终入选人员。(拉尔夫·勒纳和凯特·欧福位列其中)。
A committee was appointed to draw up a new constitution. 指定了一个委员会来起草新章程。

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