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After the air stream reverses course in the spring and summer, reciprocal winds could be counted on to bring some respite from the winter haze.

After the administration of Hirudoid thrombi induced in the ear vein of the mouse were dissolved within a few days and the affected vascular systems were rechannelled. 涂抹喜疗妥后,小鼠耳静脉的人造栓塞在很短的几天内很快分解了。
After the advent of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in late 1990's, almost all subspecialities in surgery field quickly embraced this technology. 自从1990年腹腔镜胆囊切除术问世后,几乎所有次专科皆迅速地发展此医疗技术。
After the aforesaid competent authorities serves the official copy of an exchange of letters or notes to the other signatory, the copy shall be photocopied, with a note stating “This copy is the same as the official signed copy”, and sent, together with t 前项主办机关致送对方签约国之换文正本,应于签署后摄制影印本并注明「本件与签字正本无异」后,连同我方之签字正本,于三十日内送外交部保存。
After the agaves are crushed at the distillery, why are they loaded into a hornos? 当龙舌兰在酒厂被压榨后,为什么要被放进烤炉中呢?
After the age of 45, men should have their prostates checked annually, including blood tests and a rectal examination. 45岁以上的男性每年应检查一次前列腺,包括血液检查和直肠检查。
After the air stream reverses course in the spring and summer, reciprocal winds could be counted on to bring some respite from the winter haze. 在春夏两季气流扭转方向后,或许可以指望反向的风缓解冬季的阴霾。
After the airfoil is designed, the velocity distributions, airfoil shape, converged input file (with PHI2 adjusted, see details below) and airfoil coordinates are returned for display. 翼型设计后的速度分布、机翼形状、汇流输入档案(phi2调整细节见下文)、翼型坐标送返展示.
After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished. 那只外星来的宇宙飞船在公园上空盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。
After the almost three-hour church service, members of the King family laid a wreath at Reverend King's crypt and there was a march and rally through the city's downtown. 在差不多三个多小时的教堂仪式后,金家族的家庭成员们在马丁·路德·金的墓穴前献上了花圈,然后在这座城市的市中心举行了游行和集会活动。
After the alternation, motivation effects on peasant household are also weakened. 随着这一变更,农户所受的激励也有所削弱。
After the amputation of a hand at the wrist, some patients feel the missing hand extending from the amputation stump (an extended phantom), whereas others feel it coming out of the elbow (a halfway retracted phantom) or the shoulder (a completely retracte 在手掌从手腕上被截去之后,有的病人觉得截去的手是从被截部位延伸出来的(延展性幻觉),而另一些病人觉得是从肘部(不完全回缩性幻觉)或者肩膀上伸出(完全回缩性幻觉)。

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