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' Then he said to me: `Search in thy bosom, and offer me what thou shalt find there.' And searching, I found there a golden ball, and I offered it to God; and the like I did three times, even as God commanded me; and then I knelt down thrice, and blessed

' If, on reflection, you know that it would lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it would be an unskillful verbal act with painful consequences, painful results, then any verbal act of that sort is absolutely unfit for you to ’如果观照之后你了解了,它会导致害己、害人、或两害;它会是一种不善巧的语业,有苦果、苦报,那么那样的语业你绝对不适合作。
' Most people just sneer and call him a fool, but he doesn't mind a bit. ’大多数人都鄙视他,叫他笨蛋,但是他一点也不介意。
' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God. 又恐怕我贫穷就偷窃,以致亵渎我神的名。
' So he turned and went off in a rage. 于是气忿忿地转身去了。
' The spectre showed a spectre's ordinary caprice: it gave no sign of being; but the snow and wind whirled wildly through, even reaching my station, and blowing out the light. 鬼魂还是保持了鬼魂的反复无常:它没有给出任何要出来的迹象,只是雪和风呼呼的灌进来,甚至吹到了我站的地方,把蜡烛吹灭了。
' Then he said to me: `Search in thy bosom, and offer me what thou shalt find there.' And searching, I found there a golden ball, and I offered it to God; and the like I did three times, even as God commanded me; and then I knelt down thrice, and blessed ’然后他对我说:‘查看你的胸口,把你能找到的给我.’我查找了,发现一个金色的球,我给了上帝,同样的,我照着上帝的命令做了三次,然后我三次跪下,赞美感谢上帝,因为他给了我可以献上的东西.
' Then her dwelling would not be cut off, nor all my punishments come upon her. 如此,你的住处,不致照我所拟定的除灭。
' There was something else which she would fain have said, and she stabbed with her finger into the air in the direction of the doctor's room, but a fresh convulsion seized her and choked her words. ’她原本还想说其他话,她的手指在空中向着医生房间的方向,但是又一阵抽搐使她哽住了。
' They are getting an 4)immense amount of support. ’她们得到大量支持。
' They looked at me, horrified . . . and said, 'It's reflexology! 他们看著我,惊骇的说,『这是反射疗法!』
' This is the third assurance he acquires. 这是祂所得到的第三种自信自证。

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