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Assemble module adaptor hand tight to bottom half.

Assemble 3 piece water column sight tube in numerical sequence and attach to top half of body module adaptor. 安装3件式水量数字序列观察管,并将其附加在阀体模块适配器的上半部。
Assemble all the relevant information. 搜集所有的有关资料。
Assemble die adopt tungsten steel die, guide wheel have defend jump wire device. 9过线模采用钨钢模,过导轮处设有防跳线装置。
Assemble freely according to different space requirements, simple operation, convenient maintenance, and reasonable skills. High recovery capability on heat power. Wide application scope. 根据不同的空间要求自由组合,操作简便、维护方便、工艺合理、在热能上有特别高的回收能力,适用范围广。
Assemble joint by inserting tube into socket hard against the stop. 在进行连接组装时,要将管道插入管套直到遇到阻挡为止。
Assemble module adaptor hand tight to bottom half. 安装模块适配器,用手将其紧固在下半部地方。
Assemble parts to be brazed. 组装准备铜焊的部件。
Assemble the disc screw through the disc washer and disc rubber, and screw it into the disc holder. 穿过阀瓣垫圈和阀瓣橡胶组装阀瓣螺丝,并将其旋进阀瓣固定器内。
Assemble the thread stand unit, and insert it in the hole in the machine table. 如图所示那样组装线架装置,再安装到机台的孔上。
Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye that are escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save. 赛45:20你们从列国逃脱的人、要一同聚集前来.那些抬著雕刻木偶、祷告不能救人之神的、毫无知识。
Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD. 11四围的列国阿,你们要速速地来,一同聚集。耶和华阿,求你使你的大能者降临。

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