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A career needs our devotion all our lives.

A cardholder can read records of transaction details from an IC card through a terminal or any other card readers. 持卡人可以通过终端或其他读卡设备读取IC卡中的交易明细记录。
A cardioembolic source was highly suspected because of the presence of multiple lesions, the patient's history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a fibroelastoma over aortic valve noted via transesophageal echocardiography. 患者因有肥厚性心肌病变之病史,且在住院中以经食道超音波在主动脉办上检出疑似纤维弹性瘤之肿瘤,故强烈怀疑其梗塞栓子源自心脏。
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people, you can bet that at least one life will be saved. 一位心脏学家说,如果接到这封信就传给十个人的话,至少将会救活一个人的命。
A care label is a must for a garment. Wash care label, merit and demerit explanations, fabric composition indication and size mark express the functions of garments reasonably and distinctively. 衣服缺不了注意事项商标,洗衣图案表示质量标签、优缺点的表示组成表示、尺寸商标等,把衣服的机能用最合适的表示方式明显地表现出来。
A career in counseling or working with children would also suit you as well. 咨询服务以及和孩子相关的服务都适合你。
A career needs our devotion all our lives. 一项事业需要我们毕生的奉献。
A career open to all talents,without distinction of birth. 职业不分贵贱,唯才适用!
A career path in which a woman declines rapid advancement in order to end time with her family. 女性的职业模式。指女性不愿晋升过快,以便有更多时间和家人相处。
A career path in which a woman declines rapid advancement in order to spend time with her family. 女性的职业模式。指女性不愿晋升过快,以便有更多时间和家人相处。
A career woman is still regard as something of an oddity. 职业妇女仍然多少被认为有点怪。
A careful dresser. 一个穿衣仔细的人

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