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We will notify participants when the beta test is nearing completion.

We will not turn aside into any field or vineyard, or drink water from any well. 我们不偏入田间和葡萄园,也不喝井里的水,只走大道(原文作王道),直到过了你的境界。
We will not un-ban your account regardless of the reason. 无论什么原因,我们不会解封你的账户。
We will not use or share—internally or externally—personally identifiable medical information or any purpose other than the underwriting or administration of a customer’s policy, claim or account, or as disclosed to the customer when the information is co 我们不会和任何花旗集团关系企业或第三者为行销目的而透露或共用客户的医疗方面的资讯。
We will not use your mail address for any unsolicited mail service. 声明:本中心不会将你的邮址使用于任何其他未经阁下授权的用途。
We will not walk in the rain if we set off earlier. 6如果我们早点动身,现在就不会在雨中走了。
We will notify participants when the beta test is nearing completion. 当测试接近尾声,我们会通告参与测试者。
We will now go over each type of I/O. 我们将会讲解每一种类型的输入输出。
We will now go over to Richard Baker at the concert hall, where he is ready to introduce tonight's concert. 现在我们把广播转到音乐厅里的里查德·贝克,他在那里准备介绍今晚的音乐会。
We will observe the rules of courtesy, respect our superiors, and refrain from violence. 我们要尊师重道,举止有礼,不可有耀武扬威之心。
We will obtain the function model of the products according to the primitive products that the customer offered, analyses the function of products and the changing range of structure that we can confirm the limiting conditions of products and the focal po 根据客户提供的原始产品获得产品功能模型,分析产品的功能实现原理,结构的变化幅度来确定产品的限制条件和设计重点。
We will offer attractive remuneration package and career development opportunities. 公司将提供良好的福利和发展机会。

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