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Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England.

Meanwhile, he must use reasonably, keep the house, bear everyday expenditure, return the house after habitatio is terminated, etc. expiration, death of the beneficiary, confusion and so on will all cause the termination of habitatio. 居住权因居住权设定的期限届满、居住权人死亡、混同、抛弃、滥用、房屋灭失等原因而消灭。
Meanwhile, he tries to protect his ego. 同时,他在尽力维护他的“自我”。
Meanwhile, heat oven to 425°. Toast bread cubes on a baking sheet, turning occasionally until golden brown, about 7 minutes. 同时把烤箱加温至425°。在烘焙板上烤面包块,时而翻动,约七分钟,面包呈金黄色。
Meanwhile, hold the characteristic of different region luxurious mansion, well distinguish the customer group, so that we could supply professional buy-sell and rent information, investment and manage well finances, market information, and other super ser 同时为了更好地把握不同区域豪宅市场的特点,更好地细分服务客户群,以便全面为更多高端客户提供专业的买卖租赁资料、投资理财、市场资讯等尊贵服务。
Meanwhile, identification of Hakka heritage and culture influence viewing behavior via language absorption and cultural expectation. 此外,客家意识透过影响客话能力和文化期望间接影响收视行为。
Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England. 这里又谈论了另外一个话题,即买便宜房子。想想那些地区为什么房子能够便宜?
Meanwhile, in Baghdad, insurgent attacks have left two Iraqis dead and at least six others injured. 另外,反叛分子在巴格达的袭击造成两名伊拉克人死亡,另有至少6人受伤。
Meanwhile, in Canada, the only big market that places no restrictions on China, Bangladesh has lost market share. 同时,在加拿大,这唯一没有向中国产品施行限制的国家,孟加拉国的服装产品损失了市场份额。
Meanwhile, in France, the chateau of Monsieur the Marquis, now in his grave, listened to the whispering trees. 在法国,侯爵大人此时正在坟墓里谛听着林莽的细语。
Meanwhile, in Juxian and marine insurance business, we adhere to the company - first, careful management, sustainable development, feedback shareholders16-character guideline to create value for customers, and achieved good performance by the parent compa 同时,在车险和水险的经营中我们坚持公司“效益为先,用心经营,永续发展,回馈股东”的十六字方针,努力为客户创造价值,取得了不俗的业绩,受到上级公司的好评。
Meanwhile, in contemporary Japan the Confucian culture is stubbornly opposed by those who propose the complete Westernisation. 同时,儒家文化在近代日本遭到全盘西化者的竭力抵制,遭到国粹主义者的积极欢迎。

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