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One tends to overemphasize short-term payoffs and ignores long-term strength.

One team has already built up a commanding lead. 有一个队已经遥遥领先.
One teaspoon three times a day. 每天三次,每次一茶匙。
One technician proposes installing a hub. 一个技术人员计画安装一个毂。
One temptation is to switch to a five-man midfield, borrowing the game plan that has served Arsenal so well in Europe, with Gerrard just off the striker. 一个可行的方案是把中场改成五人,这个办法拯救了阿森纳的欧洲比赛,让杰拉德呆在前锋身后。
One tender moment's reprieve from loneliness can illuminate a life. 刹时间从孤独中的解脱可以影响一生的生活。
One tends to overemphasize short-term payoffs and ignores long-term strength. 人们追求立竿见影的效果,忽视长期的利益。
One tenth is the correct portion to allocate. 按十分之一分配是对的。
One tenth of the goods were damaged. 十分之一的货物受到损伤。
One test, it notes, is the money they promise this year to the World Bank, which must refill its aid pot for the three-year period from 2008 to 2011. 该调查说,考验之一就是他们今年许诺捐给世行的资金能否兑现,世行必须填满其用于2008-2010这三年援助的口袋。
One that acts as a mediator. 调解人充当调解人的人
One that adapts, such as a device used to effect operative compatibility between different parts of one or more pieces of apparatus. 适应物,转接器,接合器适应物,如用于在一件或多件仪器的不同部件之间实现有效兼容性的装置

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