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Ah... Prime Minister,said Cornelius Fudge, striding forward with his hand outstretched. Good to see you again.

Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is that people do not come to me. 「但理发师是存在的!只是那人不来找我。」
Ah, good evening Harry,said Dumbledore, looking up at him through his half-moon glasses with a most satisfied expression. Excellent, excellent. “啊,晚上好,哈利,”邓布利多从半月形眼镜片的后面望着哈利,脸上带着十分满意的表情,“太好了,太好了。”
Ah, sword of the Lord, How long will you not be quiet? Withdraw into your sheath; Be at rest and stay still. 耶47:6耶和华的刀剑哪、你到几时才止息呢.你要入鞘、安靖不动。
Ah, that's the accent . . . the boy said softly. “啊,就是那个口音……”男孩轻声说。
Ah,replied the swordsman, you weren't watching very carefully. They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father. 啊,剑手答道,你刚才没有很仔细地看。苍蝇还活着,是的--但他永远也做不成爸爸了。
Ah... Prime Minister,said Cornelius Fudge, striding forward with his hand outstretched. Good to see you again. “啊……首相大人,”康奈利·福吉一边说,一边大步走向首相并伸出他的手。“再见到你真高兴。”
Aha! So you've played around a lot,she said teasingly. “啊哈!这么说来你经常鬼混咯。”她取笑着说。
Aha, shouted the lion, leaping out with a snarl. I've got you now. “哈哈,”狮子大吼一声,跳出来大声说,“现在我可逮着你了。
Ahh, mademoiselle. You are like a weeping girl adrift in a sea of blood. The epitome of the human way of life! 「小姐啊,你就像一个漂泊在血海中哭泣的女孩,人类生存方式的缩影!」
Ahhh! your souls are fume in the Hell Forge! “啊....!你的灵魂就是地狱熔炉的燃料啊!”
Ahhh, you won because of LAG... Ohh wait a second, we're at the arcade!. 啊,你赢了因为你……哦,等一下,我们在打币呢(装作接电话?)

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