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Methods:Eighty five patients with Hp positive duodenal and/or gastric ulcer were randomly assigned to two groups:Famotidine(Gaster) group, cases,took Famotidine 0mg,Amoxycillin 000mg and Tinidazole 00mg,all twice perday.

Methods:Dapsone was analyzed on Ultrasphere ODS C 8 column(0 mm× . mm,μm) at ambient temperature and was detected at 8nm. 方法 :色谱柱为UltrasphereODSC8柱 ( 0mm× .mm , μm) ; 流速 :.0mL·min-;
Methods:Decalcified humen dental martix was made from dentary out of use. Bone morphogenetic protein was used on patients. 方法 :采用弃用人牙提取脱钙人牙基质 ,利用其中的骨形态发生蛋白 (bonemorphogeneticprotein ,BMP) ,在动物实验诱导骨再生修复成功后 ,对 例创伤性颅骨缺损在急性期进行术中一次性修复。
Methods:Dexter's fluid culture were used. 方法 :采用 Dexter液体培养法。
Methods:Different techniques for this kind of deformity were compared with each other and focused on Millard's method. 方法 :比较近年来治疗此病的各种不同手术方法之效果 ,重点观察旋转推进法 (Millard法 )的疗效。
Methods:Eight patients with polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) and 8 patients with polycystic ovary (PCO) who failed to ovulate by the medical therapies in the previous cycles were recruited into the study. 方法 :在连续 个周期中经促性腺激素、绒毛膜促性腺激素卵泡刺激方案治疗无排卵的 8例多囊卵巢综合征患者和 8例多囊卵巢患者进入该研究。
Methods:Eighty five patients with Hp positive duodenal and/or gastric ulcer were randomly assigned to two groups:Famotidine(Gaster) group, cases,took Famotidine 0mg,Amoxycillin 000mg and Tinidazole 00mg,all twice perday. 方法:将8例Hp阳性的十二指肠和/或胃溃疡患者随机分为组:法莫替丁组,例,每次口服法莫替丁0mg、羟氨苄青霉素000mg、替硝唑00mg,均每日次,;
Methods:Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was employed to detect the specific TORCH/HPV B9-IgM antibodies in the serum of 8 cases of gravida. 方法用ELISA法检测8例孕早期妇女血清中特异性TORCH/HPVB9-IgM抗体。
Methods:First,the o point which was the projection parallelogram center of steel wires,, and was sought according to the principle of parallelogram,then the height midpoint of steel wires and was found. 方法:根据平行四边形原理,首先找到切线野上、下、左、右边界即钢丝、、 、在水平面上的投影平行四边形中心O点,然后再寻找过O点患者横断面垂直高度钢丝和中心。
Methods:Fourty seven cases underwent penile scrotal flap with tunica dartos pedicle. 方法 :在单一皮瓣不够的情况下采用肉膜蒂阴茎阴囊联合皮瓣作新尿道。
Methods:From Jan.98 to Dec.00,patients of traumatic d iaphragmatic hermia was reriew analysed. Amalagamate other organs harmcases(97.8%),all patients were operated. 方法回顾性分析98 年月至00年月收治的例创伤性膈疝病人,例(97.8%)合并其他脏器损伤,均采用手术治疗。
Methods:From June 997 to July 00, patients with osteosarcoma in limbs underwent wide local resections of tumor and massive frozen allograft reconstructions for bone defect, femurs, tibias and humeri of total. 方法997年月~00年7月收治例四肢骨肉瘤患者,采用肿瘤广泛边缘性切除、大段冷冻同种异体骨移植修复重建骨缺损的保肢治疗,其中股骨例,胫骨例,肱骨例。

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