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But Mr Cerf dismissed the warnings as scare tactics, saying that critics had predicted 20 years ago that the net would collapse when people all around the world started to use it en masse.

But Mr Annan is not solely, or even chiefly, responsible for these failures. 但对于这些失败,安南无需负全责,甚至主要责任也不必承担。
But Mr Bernanke should be driven by his remit to support economic stability, not by the whiplash from financial markets. 但是伯南克先生应该是在保持经济稳定的前提下做出这一决定,而不是只凭金融市场的动荡。
But Mr Bush could be spending even more time seeking solace from his wife and dog this year than last. 不过相比于去年,今年布什可能会更多的从老婆和狗那里寻求安慰了。
But Mr Bush has not proposed any specific target himself, much less a timeframe for meeting one. 但是布什并未提出任何具体减排目标,更没有指出实现某一目标的时间框架。
But Mr Bush insisted there would be no government bail-out to solve the subprime mortgage crisis. 但布什坚称,政府不会出手纾困,来解决次级抵押贷款危机。
But Mr Cerf dismissed the warnings as scare tactics, saying that critics had predicted 20 years ago that the net would collapse when people all around the world started to use it en masse. 瑟夫对这一“恐吓战术”的说法进行了反驳,他说,批评人士20年前预测,如果全世界的人同时上网,互联网会崩溃。
But Mr Chertoff said such a move would be “tantamount to shutting the ports down”. 但切尔托夫先生表示,此举“等于关闭港口”。
But Mr Chávez is a cunning communicator who commands a deep well of oil money. 声音响不代表有说服力,但是查韦斯先生是一个狡猾的石油外交家。
But Mr Grushko hit back yesterday, claiming the UK has rejected 21 extradition requests from Russia. 但是,昨天哥拉斯科先生回应声明:英国已经拒绝了俄罗斯对21名嫌犯的引渡请求.
But Mr Kalla's announcement did catch the company off-guard with a spokeswoman for Philip Morris International saying: We are not aware of any planned increases. 继上周一宣布收购案以来,该公司方面称它期待着税率有所上升。但该公司女发言人在面对卡拉副总统的话时说:“我们并不知道要提高烟税”。
But Mr Kim calculates differently. 但是金先生不这样认为。

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