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“Well I had everything , “ Ace said with an impatience that made his mother blink .

“We, who were the tall pine of the forest, have become a feeble plant and need your protection” (Red Jacket). “我们,森林中的高大松树,已经变成虚弱无力的植物,需要你们的保护”(莱德·杰克特)。
“Web-surfing” is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. “上网”不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从容不迫,文质彬彬,那样温良恭俭让。
“Weichen ”—— Classical,Imperatorial ,and the life taste which representative one empire of the Fashion. “威臣”——经典至尊,品味人生,代表着一个时尚帝国。
“Weishan” series products include: Weishan Organic Maojian Tea, Weishan Organic Green Tea, Weishan Yinzhen Tea, Weishan Maojian Tea, Weishan Green Tea, Weishan Miyin Temple Chan Tea, Weishan Oolong Tea, Weishan Ginseng Oolong Tea, Weishan Jiaogulan Tea, W “沩山”注册商标系列产品有:沩山有机毛尖、沩山有机绿茶、沩山银针、沩山毛尖、沩山绿茶、沩山密印寺禅茶、沩山乌龙茶、沩山人参乌龙茶、沩山绞股蓝茶、沩山擂茶、茉莉花茶等。
“Welcome to The Bund Hotel of the Golden Bund Group. “欢迎光临金外滩福申宾馆!”
“Well I had everything , “ Ace said with an impatience that made his mother blink . “我那时什么都有,”埃斯说话时的不耐烦让他母亲直眨眼。
“Well!” He replied indignantly. “If the nurse wants a light on in the hall, she can turn it on herself. “哦!”他愤怒地回答道,“如果护士想开灯,她自己可以动手嘛。”
“Well, I can let you go, but you'll have to slide on a board for a round first. 酷飞说:“不和我玩也行,只要你玩一圈滑板,你就可以走。”
“Well, I can't read, I can't write, and they won't let me talk. “我又不会读书,也不会写字,可他们又不准我说话。”
“Well, I didn't think so,” my father said, winking at my mother, “because when I saw Santa this morning, he told me that he was having trouble finding all, and he asked me if he could leave your toys at my house. “我看不是吧,”爸爸边说边向妈妈眨眼暗示,“早上我碰到圣诞老人了,他说找不到你们,想把给你们的礼物暂时放到我们家里来。
“Well, I have now,” he said, shocked and offended. Lisa would never have said such a thing, any more than she would have worn splashy tie-dyed orange. “好啦,现在我已经听说过啦,”他吃惊地受了冒犯地说。莉莎从来都不会说出这等话来,正如同她从来都不会穿那种有点颜色四溅扎染的橙色连衣裙。

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