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He looked at the scan and is absolutely delighted. The knee is in pristine condition. He gave Michael the good news over the telephone.

He knows I'm not comfortable to play because I want to play good,Nene said. I don't want to play so-so. . . . 他知道我并不能享受比赛的乐趣,因为我想打出精彩的篮球。
He learned how to seal an apartment to trap the natural gas and to prepare an explosion using that gas that would have maximum yield and destroy an apartment building. 他学会了如何密封整个公寓,使其存储足够的天然气,然利用这些天然气引发能量巨大的,足以摧毁整幢公寓大楼的爆炸。
He left quietly when asked to,the police spokesman said. 警方发言人说:“银行职员让他离开,他就安静地离开了。”
He lifted that side of the car completely off the ground,police spokesman Frank Amado told Reuters by telephone. 警方发言人弗兰克·阿马多说:“他(博伊尔)将车的一侧完全抬离了地面。”
He liked it,said one Japanese reporter chronicling the exchange. He was eating it pretty good. 「他很喜欢,」旁边对这一幕做著记录的日本记者说。「他吃得满多的。」
He looked at the scan and is absolutely delighted. The knee is in pristine condition. He gave Michael the good news over the telephone. “他在看了结果之后非常的开心,膝盖已经恢复到正常的状态。他在电话里告知了欧文这个好消息。”
He looked like some biblical creature. “它看上去像《圣经》里的动物。”
He looks a bit like a walrus, and he used to be Head of Slytherin,said Harry. Something wrong, Hermione? “他长得有点儿像海象,以前当过斯莱特林学院的院长。”哈利说,“有什么不对吗,赫敏?”
He looks good but his luck hasn't been so good,Chen said, commenting after Tampa Bay hit a grand slam in the seventh inning to take a 6-3 lead. 他表现的很好,但是他的运气实在是不怎麽好”陈先生在第七局时魔鬼鱼击出满贯全垒打以6-3领先时发表著他的看法。
He loosens the bond of kings And binds their loins with a girdle. 伯12:18他放松君王的绑、又用带子捆他们的腰。
He made its posts of silver, Its back of gold And its seat of purple fabric, With its interior lovingly fitted out By the daughters of Jerusalem. 歌3:10轿柱是用银作的、轿底是用金作的、坐垫是紫色的、其中所铺的乃耶路撒冷众女子的爱情。

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