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But friends (especially men) often pump hands and slap each other on the back.

But four young professionals have been released. 然而另外四名年轻职业球员将面临转会。
But frankly, they were much richer in the spiritual world. 实在地说,他们在精神世界更富有。
But fraud-detection software can consider dozens of other variables, too. 但诈骗监测软件还能同时考虑其它几十个因素。
But freedom is one thing, advisability quite another. 但自由是一回事,明智则完全是另一回事。
But frequent repetition of them made people grow callous. Wang got bored, It's purely for show. They are simply wasting their breath. 老听这几句话,听得耳朵起了茧子,老王讨厌了,心想:“罗嗦什么?纯粹形式主义!白费唾沫星子。”
But friends (especially men) often pump hands and slap each other on the back. 但朋友之间(尤其是男性),通常都会彼此猛握手和拍打对方的背部。
But from Chinese person's eye inside, our can see the bias and disregard. 但从汉族人的眼中,我们只能看到歧视、蔑视。
But from a systems point of view, problems have multiple causes, and decisions have intended and unintended consequences. 但从系统的观点来看,问题具有多种原因,故而决策有意料中的结果和非意料中的结果。
But from another point of view, EverQuest 2)addiction looks different. 但是换另一个观点来看,「无尽的任务」的这个特质就大不相同了。
But from my perspective, it still was not good enough. 但是从我的角度来说它还不是很好。
But from the angle of international relationship, it has important strategic value, the cooperation can help increasing credit, explaining doubt, solving contradiction, maintaining peace and steadiness, it is useful in complement, realizing all-wins, comm 从国际关系上看,泛北部湾经济合作具有重要的战略价值,该合作有助于增信释疑,化解矛盾,维护区域和平稳定;有助于优势互补,合作共赢,实现区域共同繁荣;有助于扩大交往,增进交流,促进区城和谐发展。

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