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Even though they may never tell you, students who function at this level do not appreciate assertive discipline.

Even though they are bred in the wild, the eggs are hatched in captivity. 虽然它们在野外出生,但这些蛋是在受控的状态下孵化的。
Even though they are not the first race awaken in the world, Eden Elves are still much more elder than all the extant races now. 就算他们不是第一个被唤醒的种族,伊甸精灵们仍然比目前所有现存的生命都还要年长。
Even though they have failed many times , the researches refused to rule out the possibility to succeed. 即使他们失败了许多次,科学家们依然否认排除成功的可能性。。
Even though they have failed many times, the researchers refused to rule out the possibility to succeed. 5尽管失败了多次,研究人员拒绝排除成功的可能性.
Even though they hire allies among the nations, Now I will gather them up; And they will begin to diminish Because of the burden of the king of princes. 何8:10他们虽在列邦中贿买人、现在我却要聚集惩罚他们.他们因君王和首领所加的重担、日渐衰微。
Even though they may never tell you, students who function at this level do not appreciate assertive discipline. 即使或许他们从未告诉过你:此阶段的学生不喜欢严苛的纪律。
Even though they understand how you get a cramp in your calf at night, the cause of night cramps is still unknown. 虽然人们知道了造成夜晚小腿休息抽筋的方法,但始终不知道造成抽筋的原因。
Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal. 他们虽然没想到我们要来,但还是设法匆匆做好一顿丰盛的饭。
Even though this featherfin is boisterous, it should not be kept with other high-energy or aggressive fishes, otherwise males will lose their color and stop breeding. 这种鱼非常的狂暴,而且不能和其他的活泼的或者是好斗的鱼混养。
Even though this is partly offset by people leaving, the foreign-born population is growing while the British-born population is declining. 即使这些人口部分被人口外移摊平,外国出生的人口仍持续成长,而英国出生的人口则在降低。
Even though this legislation was a top priority of Democrats, they don't appear to have the votes to override the veto. 尽管民主党人视此项议案为重中之重,看起来他们并没有足够的投票数来推翻布什总统的否决。

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