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The polymyxin B sulphate is available as a freeze-dried powder freely soluble in saline solution in vial containing 500,000 unITs potency.

The polymerisation of the monomer is carried out by UV curing the mixture when it was kept in a specific phase which can be obtained by controlling the temperature of the ferroelectric liquid crystal. 单体的聚合通过维持该混合物处在一定的液晶态的条件下经紫外线固化来完成。
The polymerization characteristics and the suitable mono-functional initiator systems were introduced. 介绍了聚合特点和单官能团引发剂体系。
The polymers act like sponges; their bloating prevents the protein from being rapidly excreted by the kidneys, allowing synthetic EPO to exert its red blood cell-generating action longer. 这些聚合物就像海绵般,它们膨胀起来可防止蛋白质快速从肾脏排出,拉长合成EPO刺激红血球细胞生成的作用时间;同时,聚合物还能阻碍蛋白质为酵素所分解。
The polymers are also able to protect the protein from proteases in the upper small intestine and can temporarily open the connections between intestinal cells, allowing the protein to pass through. 在小肠前段,这类聚合物还能保护蛋白质免遭蛋白酶的破坏,并且可以暂时拓宽肠细胞间的连接,好让蛋白质穿过。
The polymers used in polymersomes are larger and heavier than the natural molecules in cell membranes: They've got a molecular weight of over 3600, compared to about 750 for phospholipids, the fatty acid molecules used by cells. 与细胞膜中的天然分子相比,用于多聚合体中的聚合体既大又重.它们的分子量高于3600,相比之下,细胞中的脂肪酸分子即磷脂酶的分子量只有750.
The polymyxin B sulphate is available as a freeze-dried powder freely soluble in saline solution in vial containing 500,000 unITs potency. (供应的)硫酸多粘菌素B硫酸盐为冻干粉末,可任意溶于盐溶液中,每小瓶含五十万单位(效价)。
The polypropylene fibre concrete is the new kind of concrete flexible shotcrete layer forms in the soft rock tunnel sup-porting engineering. 摘要聚丙烯纤维混凝土柔性喷层是软岩巷道支护中一种新型的喷层形式。
The polypropylene samples with polyanline-coated mwcnts were tested tensile strength and the morphours and the composition of the sample fracture section were also observed and analysized using SEM and EDS. 对加有碳纳米管/聚苯胺的聚丙烯进行了抗拉强度测试,并对试样弯曲断裂断口进行了扫描电镜分析和EDS分析。
The polysemy of the concept of ideology decides on the polyphonic methodology in the study of ideological literary theory. 摘要意识形态概念的多义性决定了意识形态文论研究的复调方法论。
The polystyrene froth board other name forth board,the EPS board are by includes the volatile liquid foaming agent to be possible the sending polystyrene,after heats up sends the white which heats up in the mold takes shape enable it in advance to have th 聚苯乙烯泡沫版——又名泡沫版、EPS板是由含有挥发性液体发泡剂的可发性聚苯乙烯珠粒,经加热预发后在模具中加热成型的白色物体,其有微细闭孔的结构特点,主要用于建筑墙体,屋面保湿,复合板保温,冷库、空调、车辆、船舶的保温隔热,地板采暖,装潢雕刻等用途非常广泛。
The polystyrene housing must have one big cell . The magnets inside have to be separated each other by non-flexible plastic separators (NOT made of silicone!). 在聚苯乙烯的箱子里必须有一个大格子.里面的磁体必须由不可弯曲的塑料材料分开(塑料材料不能是硅树脂做的).

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