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The prepared SiO2 sols, polyelectrolyte/SiO2 composite films and SiO2 thin films are investigated with transmission electron microscope, fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer and 721 spectrophotometer.

The preparation, structure of organic-inorganic hybrid membranes are reviewed and their applications are discussed. 本文主要介绍了近年来国内外有机-无机杂化膜的研究现状、杂化膜的制备方法、结构和应用。
The preparations guarantee a fast and continuous absorption of the active ingredient MPS, thus ensuring a pronounced and long-lasting effect at the site of disorder. 因而保证了活性药物成分--多磺酸粘多糖的快速持续吸收,从而确保了药物能在患处发挥显著和持久的疗效。
The preparations of ultrafine strontium carbonate particles with various shapes were reviewed. 摘要对目前国内外不同形貌超细碳酸锶粒子的制备情况做了简要的综述。
The preparations were mainly making or buying food and selecting music. 主要的准备活动就是买食品和做食物,选择音乐。
The preparatory meeting shall be presided over by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. 预备会议由全国人民代表大会常务委员会主持。
The prepared SiO2 sols, polyelectrolyte/SiO2 composite films and SiO2 thin films are investigated with transmission electron microscope, fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer and 721 spectrophotometer. 采用透射电镜、红外光谱仪、721分光光度计对二氧化矽溶胶和薄膜进行了分析。
The prepared fruit can also be stored in pits, where it remains edible for a considerable time. 若把特制过的果子藏在洞里,它们可以放上很长时间都还能吃。
The preparing of aluminum plate for lead-acid battery passive electrode was investigated, and also bond strength and anti-corrosion of the coating in various process conditions were analyzed. 摘要介绍了用电镀方法制备铅酸蓄电池用铝基极栅板的过程,分析了不同工艺条件下复合镀层的结合强度、耐腐蚀性能。
The preparing work before test run: first organize test run guide group consisted of supply party, demand party and installation party to check the installed qualified equipment (machine, electricity, liquid, gas) in an all-round way to see that circuit, 试运转前的准备工作:首先应组织有关(供方、需方、安装)等单位参加的试车领导小组,对已安装合格的设备(机、电、液、气)进行全面的检查,电路、水路、气路、油路是否接通,所有设备的紧固件、螺栓、螺母等是否拧紧,各润滑点和冷却点是否到位。
The prepayment option, like bond issuers' options to call some bonds before they mature, saddles the lender with more risk. 抵押贷款的提前还款期权和债券发行人拥有的在债券到期前提前偿债的期权一样,也使贷款人承担了更多风险。
The preposition congmeans a starting point, normally followed by a word expressing time or place. 介词“从”就是表示起点,后面一般可以跟表示时间或者是地点的词。

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