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Using the tip of the monopolar J-hook electrocautery, the proposed line of excision is circumferentially scored on the renal capsule around the tumour under real-time US guidance.

Using the technique of radiocarbon dating, they all agreed that the cloth dated to the 13th or 14th century (1260 to 1390). 他们使用放射性碳年代测定法,都同意布料是回溯到十三或十四世纪(1260年到1390年)。
Using the telephone or, increasingly, the web, you'll contact selected customers in a designated market or accounts area, selling them hp products services and supplies to meet set targets. 使用电话或越来越多地使用网络,你应与指定市场或关键领域的特定客户进行联系,向他们销售达到预定目标的惠普产品、服务、供货。
Using the theory and method of value distribution of meromorphic functions, the value distribution problem of meromorphic solutions to some systems of higher order non-linear algebraic differential equations is discussed. 摘要利用亚纯函数值分布理论及方法,研究了一类代数微分方程组允许解的值分布问题,得到了一个结果。
Using the theory and technique of ecosystem heath to study urban eco environment problem possesses rather good significance in theory and practice. 摘要采用生态系统健康的理论与方法来分析城市生态环境问题具有较强的理论意义和现实意义。
Using the theory of gray system, the authors analysed the data of oil and gas geochemical exploration, which reflect to some extent the oil and gas distribution regularity of the working district. 摘要应用灰色系统理论,对油气地球化学勘探资料进行分析,在一定程度上反映出工作区油气分布规律。
Using the tip of the monopolar J-hook electrocautery, the proposed line of excision is circumferentially scored on the renal capsule around the tumour under real-time US guidance. 用单极J钩电烙器头端,切除的预定线为围绕实时US监测肿瘤边缘的肾包膜的压痕。
Using the tips below, you can make thankfulness an everyday habit. 看一看以下的建议吧,你会把感恩变成日常的习惯。
Using the topological indexes, the separation factors of fullerenes in bonded phases are predicated. 运用拓扑指数,预测了键合相中富烯勒的分离因子。
Using the topological rules of the surface flow pattern, the separation configurations on the suction surface at different bowed angles is discussed. 应用壁面流谱的拓扑法则,详细讨论了不同弯角下的分离形态。
Using the traditional algorithm, the vehicular short-wave single-channel direction finding devices can not cope with the single side hand signals satisfactorily. 摘要现有的车载短波单通道测向设备使用传统测向算法,对单边带信号的测向结果比较差。
Using the transitivity of ideational function in the three meta-functions of the language, this paper attempts to analyze a piece of news from China Daily. 本文运用三大纯理功能之经验功能理论中的及物性对一具体的新闻报道进行实例分析。

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