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The author also discussed the methods of the animal model of the subarachnoid hemorrhage and the effect of endothelin receptor on the cerebral vasospasm caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage.

The authenticity of the painting is beyond doubt. 这幅画的原作是无可质疑的的。
The autho, ranalyzes and predicates the construction and development situation of natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline and products pipeline in coming decade and considers that with the regulation of China energy structure ,the great and fast development in 摘要对未来十年我国的天然气、原油和成品油管道的建设发展趋势进行了分析和预测,认为随著我国能源结构的调整,天然气管道的建设和利用将得到迅速发展。
The author addresses some important questions, in particular, the ontological assumptions that underpin positiveness and the scope for embracing critical theory. 作者提出了一些重要的问题,尤其是,能加强实证性基础的实体论假设和接受批评的理论范围等问题。
The author advocates that the assessment system for the Nine Year Joint Curriculumshould be individualized, developmental, competence-performance based, integrated, and school based. 作者主张以档案评量爲基本模式发展《教学创新?九年一贯》的评量系统。
The author also believes that the research of Geo-information Tupu,a new methodology of spatial and temperal geographical analysis could be one of the breakthroughs to the cartography innovation in 21th century,Cartographers have both the predominance and 提出开展地学信息图谱的探索研究,并作为地图创新的切入点之一,这样地图学家就具备了有利的优势和潜能。
The author also discussed the methods of the animal model of the subarachnoid hemorrhage and the effect of endothelin receptor on the cerebral vasospasm caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage. 本文讨论了实验性蛛网膜下腔出血动物模型的制作方法,内皮素受体在蛛网膜下腔出血诱发脑血管痉挛中的作用。
The author also expresses his ideas on the modern value of Legalism and complementarity of Confucianism and Legalism. 文章最后对法家的现代价值和儒法互补提出个人看法。
The author also focuses on contemporary international research on the ware, contributing original views on the scope of its production and its chronological typology. 着重地介绍了外国目前对克拉克瓷的研究成果,并对克拉克瓷的生产范畴和断代提出了自己的观点。
The author also holds that it is farsighted view to plan and construct rapid rail transit system in main megalopolis areas of China. 提出了我国城市群快速轨道交通建设的必要性和大体设想。
The author also holds that, on the base of existed equipments and uniformed programming, the imformation plat of Shanghai can be built up and completed gradually. 上海公共交通信息平台建设可以在现有设备基础上,统一规划、分步建设,逐步完善。
The author also recommends some excellent related websites. 最后,作者推荐了一些相关的优秀网站。

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