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The effective rate of the functional rehabilitation of elbow extension was /8 in the group with neurotization to radial nerve trunk and / in the group with neurotization to branches innervating the triceps brachii muscle of radial nerve.

The effect of the technological conditions such as molding method,raw material proportioning,pugging times and sintering system on the performances of porous permeable bricks was studied. 研究了成型方法、原料配比、成型压力、练泥遍数及烧成制度等工艺条件对多孔透水砖性能的影响。
The effect of these factors which are analyzed by means of qualitative and quantitative analyses is the basis of reasonably designing of rice seedling puller. 定性定量地分析研究这些因素对断伤秧的影响,是合理设计拔秧机的基础。
The effect of vaseline pledget wadded in the top of dacryocyst 泪囊上极填塞油纱条对手术效果的影响
The effective chemical composition are the lactone and ketonic compound. 有效化学成分为倍半萜内酯及黄酮。
The effective hemisphere model (EHM) lodged by BenAsher can apply in drip irrigation system design and field crop soil water management. 由Ben-Asher等提出的等效半球模型EHM(EffectiveHemisphereModel)可用于滴灌系统设计和田间滴灌作物土壤水分的管理。
The effective rate of the functional rehabilitation of elbow extension was /8 in the group with neurotization to radial nerve trunk and / in the group with neurotization to branches innervating the triceps brachii muscle of radial nerve. 在恢复伸肘功能时,以神经移位至桡神经主干组和移位至肱三头肌肌支组的有效率高,分别为/8、/;
The effective way to reflect the characteristics of the learned journals is to combine effectively scholars' academic methods with editors' by means of study and practice in order to realize the dialectical unity of them. 学术期刊在办刊过程中体现自身个性特征的有效途径就是,通过认真研究和探索,使学者的学术方法与编辑的学术方法有效地结合起来,实现二者之间的辩证统一。 要实现这个目标,以下几个方面缺一不可:学者要掌握正确的学术方法;
The effects of Cr +'s pollution on the ultrastructure of Hydrocharis dubia mainly showed:plasmodesmata fractured,nuclei deformed in different ways,chloroplast enlarged,granum disorganized. Cr+污染对水鳖超微结构的影响主要表现在 :胞间连丝呈现不同程度的断裂 ; 细胞核出现各种各样的变形 ;
The effects of Rhynchophylline (Rhy) and Isorhychophyiline (Isorhy), the alkaloids abstracted from the Chinese traditional herb Uncaria rhynchophyllia (Miq) Jackson, on the Ca-influx and efflux were investigated in rabbit aorta. 在离体家兔主动脉条. 钩藤碱和异钩藤碱明显减少KCl(77.0 mmol·L~(-))溶液所致Ca内流量、不影响去甲肾上腺素所引起的Ca内流和外溢。
The effects of Xenical and Sibutramine on the risk factors of cardiovascular disease and free testosterone level 减肥药奥利司他和西布曲明对心血管疾病危险因素及游离睾酮水平的影响
The effects of Yufu Shengji ointment (YFSJO) on the model of rabbits and mice with the third-degree napalm scorched burns on their back were studied. 用凝固汽油灼烧法造成家兔和小鼠背部Ⅲ度焦痴性烧伤模型,观察愈肤生肌膏的治疗作用。

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