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Do the bruises occur spontaneously or after trauma?

Do the Rockets have a cumbersome backcourt crowd? Or a decent surplus of guard talent? 他们的后场是不是太拥挤?或者说只是刚好多一点点?
Do the Rockets have too many guards? Or do they have a large number of guards, none of whom can do the job that is needed? 是不是火箭的后卫太多了?或者说他们的后卫虽多,但没有人能够满足球队的需要?
Do the Uncertainty Ranges in the IPCC and U.S. National Assessments Account Adequately for Possibly Overlooked Climatic Influences? IPCC和美国国家评估中是否充分考虑了可能忽略的气候影响的不准确程度吗?
Do the boys eat well at school? 孩子们在学校吃得好吗?
Do the boys have a nickname for you? 有人给你起外号了吗?
Do the bruises occur spontaneously or after trauma? 这些紫斑是自发的还是受伤后出现的?
Do the buses stop at the market? 公车在市场有停下来吗?
Do the buses stop here? 公共汽车在这里停吗?
Do the categories of movement, rest, quantity of movement, flows, etc. make sense when applied to information, to bits, to pixels and to taxels, instead of to the physis? 当实用的信息、比特、像素和电传替代了物理的(身体)时候,运动的范畴、支持物、运动量、流程等等,有意义(产生感觉)吗?
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? 你客厅里的椅子是不是看起来是空荡荡的?
Do the chairs in your parlor, seem empty and bare? 你客厅里的椅子,是否寂寥空虚?

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