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The research on the undergraduates shows the motivations of luxury consumption with no flaunt but the purchase to the quality of the product, the desire to getting along with people around and the social role that gives prominence to the traditional orien

The research on the forms of image of modem novels is an important approach to analyzing the text-narration of novels. 摘要现代小说意象的研究是小说文本叙事分析的重要途径。
The research on the mechanism of transportation, migration, enrichment and degradation of the different contaminants in soil and groundwater so as to set up the regional groundwater quality background index, distribution of monitoring and control of groun 研究不同污染物质在土壤和地下水介质中传输、运移、富集、消解的机理和过程,建立区域地下水质量背景值指标体系,开展地下水污染监控与防治技术体系、地下水污染调查、评价方法及其相应的规程、规范和技术标准体系研究,开展区域地下水脆弱性研究。
The research on the phenomenon of magnetization of the ions in bath show that under the influence of electromagnetic field the speed of electroless deposition is much faster; the coating thus obtained is compact in texture, contains less phosphorus that t 摘要通过对溶液中离子磁化现象的研究,在电磁场作用下,化学镀沉积速率加快,所得镀层结构致密,镀层中磷含量比常规化学镀探液的降低,镀层的物理性能也得到了较大的改善。
The research on the principal's policy experience should be a new stress and difficulty after the principal's behavior research and the policy science. 而校长的政策体验是校长行为研究与政策科学交叉后滋生出的研究重点和难点。
The research on the relationship between hepatitis B virus infection, aflatoxin intake and development of primary liver cancer in tree shrews was awarded in 1994 a third prize “scientific and technological progress” at the level of the Ministry of Health. 人乙肝病毒和黄曲霉毒素与原发性肝癌发生关系在树鼩的实验研究获1994年卫生部科技进步三等奖。
The research on the undergraduates shows the motivations of luxury consumption with no flaunt but the purchase to the quality of the product, the desire to getting along with people around and the social role that gives prominence to the traditional orien 以大学生为对象的调查研究显示,奢侈消费表现出明显的追求商品质量的成就动机、融洽人际关系的角色扮演动机、突出传统导向的社会角色构建动机,而炫耀性动机却没有得到证实。
The research on vertical conduit flow of gas-liquid two phases in wellbore aims at the classification, transition and judgement of flow pattern, according to the pressure distribution of oil-gas-water mixture in wellborne, by which the reliable basis will 摘要井筒两相管流研究的主要目的是用于井筒内流体流型的划分和流型的转变与判断,其基本依据在于井筒内油气水混合压力的分布状况;在了解了井筒混合流体的压力分布状况之后,能够为掌握油井生产规律、合理控制和调节油井式作方式及气举设计提供可靠的依据。
The research outcomes are divided into the following categories: the considerations of taking projects and developing products; the problems to be resolved while the projects going; the interaction among the team members, clients, and customers; the situa 本研究成果将以:承接专案和研发产品的考量因素;承接专案和研发产品时所遇困难及因应之道;团队成员、专案委托人、消费者间的互动关系;影响决策行之情境考量;决策流程展开与洞悉;专业主管的决策行为;成功数位媒体设计主管人格特质;以及人才培育与产学合作等数项议题,逐一论述。
The research paper and oral presentation are essential components of the course curriculum. 研究论文报告与口头报告为本课程的重点。
The research partly resulted from an anecdote from a UK man taking part in a stress work.He described a trip to the US with his team. 这项研究部分来源于一位参加一次紧张工作的英国人的逸事。他讲述了一次他和他的队友的美国之行。
The research points out that developing seawater desalination industry has its practical and strategic significances, that the whole society should strive together to increase the technical innovation, to establish a healthy policy and law mechanism, to b 研究指出,发展海水利用产业具有现实和战略意义,全社会必须共同努力,加大自主创新力度,建立健全政策法规体系,拓宽融资渠道,统筹规划、强化指导、因地制宜地发展海水利用产业。

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