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Our moniter help the teacher supervise the class.

Our mission……..is to give people around the world the opportunity to ride quality bikes in order to experience the excitement of high performance cycling or the simple pleasure of a recreational, relaxed and comfortable ride. 提供品质优良的自行车给世界追求高度骑乘乐趣或纯粹以轻松舒适及休閒为诉求的消费者。
Our mobile phone can do more than we think. 我们的流动电话比我们认为可能做更多。
Our modelers will then start in on the full-res models, and our animators continue to work on refining the animation. 我们的模型师随后就会着手于具有完整细节的模型,而我们的动画设计师们则继续工作来提高它们的生气。
Our modern Thanksgiving repast is centered around the turkey, but that certainly was not the case at the pilgrims feasts. 现在的感思节大餐主菜是火鸡,不过当时清教徒的盛宴上并非如此。
Our money-minded landlady is a plague to us and we all took against her. 女房东满脑子只想著钱,让人头痛,我们每一个人都不喜欢她。
Our moniter help the teacher supervise the class. 我们的班长帮助老师管理这个班.
Our moniter is teacher's deputy in charge of this class. 我们的班长帮助老师管理这个班.
Our monitor has handed in(out )our exercise-books. 班长把我们的练习本交上去(发下来)了。
Our monitor help teacher administer the class. 我们的班长帮助老师管理这个班.
Our monitor help the teacher administer the class. 我们的班长帮助老师管理这个班.
Our monitor helps our teacher supervise the class. 我们的班长帮助老师管理这个班.

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