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The new breakthrough brings great anticipation for further human study of caloric restriction, for Alzheimer‘s disease investigators and for those physicia who treat millio of people suffering with this disease,study author Giulio Maria Pasinetti said in

The mouth bite shows that Bush is feeling nervous. It is what psychologists call emotional leakage,said Collett who used to work at the University of Oxford. 曾在牛津大学工作的柯列特说:「咬嘴显示布希觉得紧张,这就是心理学家所称的情绪洩漏。」
The movie is a compendium of tortures that would horrify the regulars at an S&M club. 这部影片是折磨虐待的概要,也许能让S&M俱乐部的正规会员们心寒恐慌。
The movie is designed to do one thing, and that's make people laugh,said Jim Davis. “这部电影的目的只有一个,那就是要逗观众笑。”吉姆·戴维斯说。
The movie is fiction,states Roland Emmerich, Mark Gordon and screenwriter Jeffrey Nachmanoff on the movie's website, but add, We'd like to keep it that way. 罗兰·艾默里克、马克·戈登和编剧杰夫瑞·纳奇曼奥弗在电影网站上声明说:“这部电影是虚构的”,不过他们补充道,“我们想让它成为那样。”
The neighborhood guys are going to form a gang and stomp your head.- What will happen if you attempt to conquer Europe, 18 September 2001. “邻居那群家伙打算组个帮派,再跺你的脑袋。”─如果你想征服欧洲,会发生啥后果,2001年9月18日。
The new breakthrough brings great anticipation for further human study of caloric restriction, for Alzheimer‘s disease investigators and for those physicia who treat millio of people suffering with this disease,study author Giulio Maria Pasinetti said in 研究报告作者吉乌莉奥·玛莉亚·帕西内蒂在一份声明中说:“这项新的突破性研究成果不仅会给未来有关对人类饮食实行热量限制的研究带来更大的期望,而且也会对那些从事早老性痴呆症研究工作的科学家以及致力于解除众多该病患者痛苦的医生们形成巨大的鼓舞。”
The new breakthrough brings great anticipation for further human study of caloric restriction, for Alzheimer‘s disease investigators and for those physicians who treat millions of people suffering with this disease,study author Giulio Maria Pasinetti said 研究报告作者吉乌莉奥·玛莉亚·帕西内蒂在一份声明中说:“这项新的突破性研究成果不仅会给未来有关对人类饮食实行热量限制的研究带来更大的期望,而且也会对那些从事早老性痴呆症研究工作的科学家以及致力于解除众多该病患者痛苦的医生们形成巨大的鼓舞。”
The new citrus fragrance of Dish Drops Liquid Dishwashing Detergent is very refreshing. 「新配方的碟仙浓缩洗洁精所用的柑橘味道气味更清香!
The new generation is open-minded about sex, indeed we can only conclude that it is a result of a fast-changing society,Zhang Meimei, professor of education at Capital Normal University said. 首都师范大学的张梅梅教授说:“现在孩子的性观念很开放,我们只能说这是社会迅速发展的结果。”
The new generation posits a problem of compliance, and its socialization into the institutional order requires the establishment of sanctions. 新一代居于顺从的问题,而他们对于制度的社会化需要赏善罚恶的确立。
The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her. "新来的秘书是个敏捷的、效率高的工作人员,老板对她很满意。"

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