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As a result, they'll be known as the Lime and Bitters Lemons.

As a result, they have chosen not to procreate, and to withdraw the genetic materials out of those held in such a manner so that the information falls not into the hands of the dark forces in association with mankind. 结果,它们已选择不再繁衍,并撤下这类状态下伙伴的基因物质,以便信息不会进入与人类相关的黑暗力量手中。
As a result, they often reinvent the wheel as they struggle to discern lessons from a relatively small number of exemplary peers. 结果,在他们努力辨别一小部分模范事迹的时候,他们经常会在不知情的情况下,重复做工。
As a result, they saved 90% of the trees in the forest. 结果他们拯救了这座森林里90%的树木。
As a result, they suffered heavy losses. 结果,他们受到了严重损失。
As a result, they too have benefited from rapid economic growth. 其结果是,这些国家也都尝到了经济高速增长的甜头。
As a result, they'll be known as the Lime and Bitters Lemons. 这样的话,他们可能要被称作酸橙或者苦柠檬了。
As a result, this series love witness as private collector's has quickly become popular fragment in some pornographic websites, and spread overseas. 结果这辑本来是私人珍藏的爱情见证,迅即成为色情偷拍网站的热门片段,流传海外。
As a result, those rats became less anxious and fearful. 其结果是这些老鼠变得不那么焦虑和惊恐了。
As a result, un-caging the creativity of children, helping them to understand themselves and the world, to use their imaginations, teaching them how to become problem solvers, and creators of their own futures is what we do at American HouseTM. 因此,解放他们的创造力,帮助他们理解自己和世界,让他们发挥想象力,教会他们成为一个解决问题的人和创造自己未来的人,就是我们在我们的“美国之家”所做的事情。
As a result, we all have the ability to be unique in the way we express ourselves musically. 同样的结果,在表现我们自己的音乐上我们都有做到独一无二的能力。
As a result, we can become strong-bodied. 这样我们就能身强力壮。

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