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The adjusting entries can be recorded in the journal when they are entered on the work sheet, but it is not necessary to jour-nalize them at the same time.

The adjective injected new meaning into the objected objective object. 这个形容词给受到反对的客观物体注入了新的意义。
The adjustable chain coupling can easily coperate with all kinds of lorries. 可调节的挂链钩可方便地与各种货车紧密配合。
The adjusted ORs for the independent associations with whole grain products and fish were 0.28 and 0.12 for atopic asthma with bronchial hyperresponsiveness and 0.31 and 0.15 for atopic wheeze with bronchial hyperresponsiveness. 全谷类制品和鱼作为独立因素对有支气管高反应性的特应性哮喘的调整后优势比分别为0.28和0.12,对有支气管高反应性的特应性喘鸣的调整后优势比分别为0.31和0.15。
The adjusted ratio was 1:52 - a big drop from last week and back to some of the worst levels of the year. 修正后的相对比例为1:52--明显低于此前一周的数字,已接近今年的最差水平。
The adjusted tax rebate increased some product in high technology and machine ,but it will more influence in decreasing or repealing export product from weaving to steel industry . 尽管此次调整将导致某些高科技产品和机械产品的出口退税的增加,但其主要涉及减少或取消从纺织到钢铁等一些出口产品的出口退税。
The adjusting entries can be recorded in the journal when they are entered on the work sheet, but it is not necessary to jour-nalize them at the same time. 调整分录在记入结帐计算表的同时可以记入日记帐,但并没有必要同时进行。
The adjustment does not apply to user-defined cost functions for domain indexes. 注意:调整对用户为域索引自定义的代价函数无效。
The adjustment in staffing after dissolution or merger of the institution. (三)撤销或者合并机构后编制的调整。
The adjustment in staffing and diversion of personnel after dissolution or merger of agencies. (三)撤销或者合并机构后编制的调整和人员的分流。
The adjustment plan of the central budget must be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for examination and approval. 中央预算的调整方案必须提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会审查和批准。
The adjustment will be carried out by sticking an extra second into atomic clocks worldwide at the stroke of midnight Coordinated Universal Time, the widely adopted international standard, the U.S. 据美国国家标准与技术协会介绍,全世界的原子钟都将在协调世界时2005年12月31日午夜加上一个闰秒。

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