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According to paragraph 3 of article 33 of the Internal Regulation no. 2/2005 “General System of Sub-organizations”, the presidium of General Assembly is now giving public consultation to all members about the application of establishing Board Game Society

According to our schedule, the date and time of our next release will be July 30, 2002, Tuesday, at 2 pm, the latest ratings of CE Tung Chee-hwa and Principal Officials under the accountability system will be released. 按照计划,《民意网站》下次发放数据的日期及时间为七月三十日星期二下午二时,届时将会公布市民对特首董建华及各问责制主要官员的最新评分。
According to output data, strength analysis is carried out and three-dimension deformity graphs the drawn. 以奥史考士消防车为实例,根据有限元分析数据进行强度分析。
According to paleoecologist Edward Deevey, the past million years show three momentous changes. 古生态学家爱德华·狄维认为,在过去100万年间出现过3次重大的变动。
According to papers filed in Los Angeles' Superior Court, Ms Hilton was stopped by California Highway Patrol officers on 15 January and informed she was driving on a suspended licence. 事件的起因是,26岁的帕里斯今年1月15日被加州公路巡警发现她的驾驶执照已经被吊销。
According to paragraph 3 of article 33 of the Internal Regulation no. 2/2005 “General System of Sub-organizations”, the presidium of General Assembly is now giving public consultation to all members about the application of establishing Amy Club of UMSU ( 会员大会主席团根据第2/2005号内部规章《附属组织一般制度》第三十三条第三款之规定,就向本会申请成立「澳门大学学生会女生会」一事向所有会员公开谘询。
According to paragraph 3 of article 33 of the Internal Regulation no. 2/2005 “General System of Sub-organizations”, the presidium of General Assembly is now giving public consultation to all members about the application of establishing Board Game Society 会员大会主席团根据第2/2005号内部规章《附属组织一般制度》第三十三条第三款之规定,就向本会申请成立「澳门大学学生会棋艺会」一事向所有会员公开谘询。
According to part of the documents about carved stone archives already compiled, the carved stone archives in the minority areas of Guangxi include stone inscription and cliff inscription, and cover a wide range of content, including social politics, econ 摘要根据已收集整理出来的部分石刻档案文献资料,广西少数民族地区的历史石刻档案包括碑刻和摩崖石刻两大类,其内容函盖了社会政治、经济生活、军事斗争、科技文化等方面,是研究广西地方历史的重要资料。
According to past Rebar financial statements, the group's two flagship companies still owned large stakes in Eastern Group firms until 1999. 力霸集团过去的财务声明显示,该集团的两家旗舰企业直到1999年还持有东森集团下属公司的大量股份。
According to peak area of function group in FTIR spectroscope, the different conversion time curves of [SiH] and [CH=CH2] during the reaction process were got and its reason was presented reasonably. 结果表明,在反应过程中,硅氮基与乙烯基的浓度减少呈非线性关系,这可能是硅氮基在反应过程中与空气中的物质进行了反应,从而在消耗量上较乙烯基多的缘故。
According to plan,they leave next week. 根据安排,他们下个星期动身.
According to plenty of testing research and investigation for years,by analyzing the problems on the recommended minimum value of insulation resistance of HV electric machine and its formula,practical Duggestions for the insulation life extend were provid 根据多年大量的试验和研究,通过分析高压电机绝缘电阻最低允许值及计算公式存在的问题,结合我公司大量大型高压电机绝缘现状及运行管理情况,提出有利于延长电机绝缘寿命的切实可行的建议.

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