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We have not been told where the second leg will be yet, Haifa have got time and do not have to decide until Friday, we must wait.

We have held talks and they have offered Olivier a four-year deal. “我们进行了会谈,英国方面也愿意为奥利夫提供一份为期4年的合同。”
We have here on the level of sedimented meanings the same processes of routinization and trivialization that we have already noted in the discussion of institutionalization. 如我们已讨论的制度化,例行化和琐碎化在意义沈淀的层次上也是相同的。
We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,they answered. 17门徒说、我们这里只有五个饼、两条鱼。
We have lost this game because we made mistakes. That's how Chelsea play. They play deep looking to counter attack and then punish any mistakes. That's what happened today. 我们已经丢了比赛因为我们所犯下的错误。切尔西他们及时的打了反击,而我们的必须为我们的错误受到惩罚,这就是今天所发生的。
We have never negotiated with Lampard about his arrival in January. “我们从未联系过兰帕德,当然他也不可能在明年一月加盟我们。”
We have not been told where the second leg will be yet, Haifa have got time and do not have to decide until Friday, we must wait. “我们还没有被告知第二回合比赛的地点,在周五海法作出决定之前,我们必须等待。”
We have not necessarily terminated our reinforcements. Considering possible departures, we can still hire players,added Le Guen. “我们没有必要就此停止引援。我们将有可能谈成几笔买卖,我们依然会签入新球员。”
We have not planned when and where the premiere will be. And, we are not ready for film festivals yet,Lee said. 李安说:“我们还来不及思索究竟送该片去哪个电影节。事实上也没有准备好去参加哪个电影节。”
We have only been back 10 days and working on our fitness and sharpness. “我们回来仅仅只有10天,正在体能恢复。
We have options in Spain, England and Italy, but there will not be definitive movement until Wednesday. “我们可以选择西班牙,英格兰或者意大利,但是这都是在星期3我做决定之前。”
We have other options,he added. 我们还有别的选择方案。他补充到。

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