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A river quality management model is proposed for the optimal waste load allocation in a tidal river basin, taking into account the impacts of stochastic pollutant discharge and dynamic hydrological conditions on water quality during a tidal cycle.

A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新信用购物方案。
A rival company is trying to tempt her away from her present job with an offer of more money. 一家竞争公司正试图以更高的薪水诱使她离职。
A rival firm poached our best computer programmers. 我公司的竞争对手把我们最好的计算机程序编制员挖走了.
A rival list of wonders dreamt up last year by two American media outlets included the internet and the polar ice caps. 而在另外2个美国地方广播电台凭空想出的奇迹竞争名单中,竟包括了互联网和极地冰盖。
A rive is to a fish what a house is to a man. 河对于鱼来说就象房子对于人。
A river quality management model is proposed for the optimal waste load allocation in a tidal river basin, taking into account the impacts of stochastic pollutant discharge and dynamic hydrological conditions on water quality during a tidal cycle. 摘要考虑污染源强随机变化和感潮河流潮周期内动态水文条件对水质的影响,建立了优化污染负荷分配的流域水质管理模型。
A river system is seen in drought-affected farmland south of the Australian capital city of Canberra, Dec. 29, 2006. 这是2006年12月29日拍摄的澳大利亚堪培拉南部受旱情影响的河流和农田。
A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 10有河从伊甸流出来,滋润那园子,从那里分为四道。
A river winding through a valley. 在山谷中蜿蜒的河流
A riverboat with a keel but without sails, used for carrying freight. 运货船一种运货的河流用船,有龙骨但无帆
A rivers run into the sea. 条条江河通大海;条条大道通罗马;殊途同归。

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