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After partial esterification of alkylpolyoxyethylene ether with citric acid, the reaction mixture was neutralized by sodium hydroxide to produce the salts of the partial esterification products.

After overhead cost has been entered on the job cost sheets, all elements of cost—raw materials, direct labor and over-head—can be totaled. 把制造费用记入分批成本单后,所有的成本要素(原料、直接人工和制造费用)即可进行总计。
After overtaking you should move back into the inside lane. 超车後应回到内车道行驶.
After ovulation, the brain's readiness for both desire and enjoyment seems to fall away. 而女人排卵之后,无论是那种期望还是钟爱,大脑似乎都变得毫无准备了。
After owning the firm for some twenty years, Mr.Thompson sold up and went abroad. 汤普森先生把自己经营20多年的公司卖掉后到国外去了。
After packaging the packaged article will be delivered by roller-conveyer. 包装完毕后,包装物通过输送辊道自动输出。
After partial esterification of alkylpolyoxyethylene ether with citric acid, the reaction mixture was neutralized by sodium hydroxide to produce the salts of the partial esterification products. 摘要将脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚和柠檬酸进行部分酯化反应,生成脂肪醇聚氧乙烯柠檬酸酯,再中和成钠盐。
After party B provided the unabridged technical requirements of mobile samples, party A must complete the sample development within __days and delivered it to party B to detect. 乙方对通过检测的样品具有专属权,甲方不得将此样品作为成品提供给其他贸易对象。
After passing inspection procedures for covert projects. 合格后,办理隐蔽工程验收手续。
After passing the age of 30, I no longer remember how old I am. 过了三十岁以后,我就不再记得自己的年纪了。
After passing the hut, you will find the ceremonial baths and just past them the Temple of the Sun, crafted with extremely fine stonework. 穿过小屋,你会找到举行仪式的浴池,经过它们,就是太阳神庙,它以极其精湛的石艺建造。
After passing through the ebony doors, Hindbad gulped. 穿过重重乌木门后,印巴达咽了口口水。

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