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Stewed Clear Soupcontains a number of tonic and nourishing soup to strengthen your health through daily consumption.

Statistical studies showed that there is a huge increase in this sphere -- in beautification surgery, George Nasr, the bank's marketing manager, told Reuters. This opens horizons. 该银行市场营销经理乔治·纳赛尔表示:“来自统计方面的研究结果表明,人们在美容手术这一领域内的需求正呈现快速增长。这方面的市场前景不可限量。”
Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house. 路10:7你们要住在那家、吃喝他们所供给的.因为工人得工价、是应当的。不要从这家搬到那家。
Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life, for you are safe with me. 撒上22:23你可以住在我这里、不要惧怕。因为寻索你命的、就是寻索我的命.你在我这里、可得保全。
Staying away from their families for long stretches of time often leads policemen into extramarital relationships,the paper quoted a senior police official as saying. “长期离家在外的生活往往会使得那些警察走上大搞婚外恋的道路,”该报援引警方一位高级官员的话说。
Stepmomwas distributed by Columbia Tristar Company. The true-life story depicted in this film will greatly impress the audience. 《继母》由哥伦比亚三星影片公司出品。片中描述的真实生活将给观众留下很深的印象。
Stewed Clear Soupcontains a number of tonic and nourishing soup to strengthen your health through daily consumption. 《清炖靓汤》为你介绍数十款补益、滋阴的炖品,使你在平日的饮食中得到健康。
Stick it, Jim; don't let Steve get ahead of you. 坚持住,吉姆,别让史蒂夫超过你!
Still you exalt yourself against My people by not letting them go. 出9:17你还向我的百姓自高、不容他们去麽。
Still,Lisa said, hesitant in the face of his ready assertion, that's no guarantee. There are parks. “可是,”雷如此言之确确,倒是让丽莎有些犹豫了,“可是那也保不准啊。城里也有公园啊。”
Still,said Harriet to herself, undismayed. A start is a start. We have learnt something, have we not? “仍然,”哈莉特自言自语,镇定自若。“开始就是开始。我们学到了些东西,是吧?”
Stock Certificateincludes stock certificateand stock certificates. 本合约所称「股票」,包括单数与复数。

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