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This task of unification should be fulfilled by the law of real right or China civil code in the future, and also, the effect of public credit of registration of movables should he endued an prescripted.

This task is based on the exploiture of the three layers structural model softwares of Browser/Server.This system helps a company change the traditional information transfer mode into no-paper information transfer mode,it accelerates the information trans 本文简要介绍了《综合平台系统》的项目背景和意义着重阐述了该系统开发实现过程,从系统的需求分析、方案论证、模块设计、数据库设计、详细设计等各个环节都进行了详尽的分析和描述。
This task is extremely difficult. 这项任务极其困难。
This task is prior to all others. 这项任务比所有其他任务都重要。
This task is still processing. 这一任务仍在继续。
This task is too tough for me. 这对我来说是个太艰巨的任务.
This task of unification should be fulfilled by the law of real right or China civil code in the future, and also, the effect of public credit of registration of movables should he endued an prescripted. 我国未来的物权法或者民法典物权编应当统一动产登记的公信力规则,即统一赋予动产登记以公信力。
This task requires considerable concentration. 这件工作需要相当专心。
This task we'll learn how to accentuate the front plan and to change the photo color, add more intensity and put over different textures. 这篇文章我们要学习的是一种集中表现形式,如何改变图片的颜色,图片尖锐化,纹理化图片。
This task we'll learn how to change the picture color, work with the layers, make an original make-up, create the effect of objects's perspectives and volume, imitate the glow-worms and blood drops and also how to work with the filters. 这篇文章我们要学习的是,如何改变图片的颜色,层操作,特殊装扮效果,制作书本的透视效果,萤火虫效果,滴血效果,以及滤镜的使用方法。
This task we'll study how to distort the shape, picture the make-up and fur, to create the effect of pictured hair, lay out the designs and also to create an interesting background. 这篇文章我们要学习如何扭曲形状,处理动物毛皮效果,绘制毛发,设计排版,以及一种很有个性的背景的制作。
This task will exact great care. 这个任务亟需非常小心。

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