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You had better grow some HARD BARK on your ass if you hope to survive and prevail in a REAL STRUGGLE for LIFE or DEATH!

You had better get going or you will be late for school. 你最好快一点,不然上学要迟到了。
You had better get someone to take care of your sick mother. (你最好请人来照顾你生病的母亲。)
You had better give it up. Smoking can lead to lung cancer. 你最好戒了。抽烟可能导致肺癌。
You had better go over these ancient Chinese units. 大家最好复习一下文言文单元。
You had better go to the seaside for the benefit of your health. 为了你的健康着想,你最好到海边走走。
You had better grow some HARD BARK on your ass if you hope to survive and prevail in a REAL STRUGGLE for LIFE or DEATH! 如果你想在真实的生死格斗中活下来并且获胜,你最好在你屁股上长些硬茧!
You had better have an X-ray. 您最好拍张X光片。
You had better have another think. 你最好再想一想。
You had better have done it. 你最好把这件事做完.
You had better have stayed at home. 你留在家里那是最好。
You had better ignore his insults. 你最好把他的侮辱当作没看到。

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