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Chao, C. C ., and W. L. Chao. 1998. Seasonal nitrous oxide fluxes in paddy soils of central and southern Taiwan. p.W8. In . 1998 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Jul. 21-24. 1998. Taipei.

Chantry houses tend to resemble community hangouts, jam-session rooms or fraternity houses more than magical workplaces, and they're often inhabited by several Cultists and a handful of Sleepers. 他们总是倾向于把即兴摇滚演奏会或者某某协会大厅之类的地方当作据点,完全没有魔法的气氛。而且他们总是几个人为单位和一小群沉睡者聚居。
Chanzui kitten to eat delicious fish with a parachute not hesitate to take airborne tricks. . . . . . 馋嘴的小猫为了吃到可口的鱼,不惜带着降落伞,采取空降的手法。。。。。。
Chao received combat training at the ROC Military Academy after graduating from the Air Force Academy, making her physically and mentally capable of taking up any job that men officers can do. 她从空军官校毕业后,曾在陆军官校接受战技训练,这使她在身体与心理上,也能胜任任何男性军官的工作。
Chao was a boy of insatiable curiosity, who was especially interested in drama and music. 赵树理小时候具有永不满足的好奇心,他特别爱好戏剧和音乐。
Chao's father, Chao Yu-chu, was convicted on similar charges, plus embezzlement, and sentenced to eight years and four months in prison. 赵建铭的父亲赵玉柱星期三也因类似指控和挪用公款被判处8年零4个月有期徒刑。
Chao, C. C ., and W. L. Chao. 1998. Seasonal nitrous oxide fluxes in paddy soils of central and southern Taiwan. p.W8. In . 1998 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Jul. 21-24. 1998. Taipei. 赵震庆.1998.台湾中、南部坡地果园与森林土壤氧化亚氮之释放及其影响因子.p.118-132.吕世宗、柳中明、杨盛行编.台湾地区大气环境变迁(三).台湾大学全球变迁中心.台北.
Chao, L. L., J. V. Haxby, and A. Martin. Attribute-based Neural Substrates in Temporal Cortex for Perceiving and Knowing About Objects.Nat Neurosci. 2 (1999): 913-9. 于颞叶皮质区中,负责观看、辨识物体的神经基质是以物体的属性为依据〉《自然神经科学.》2(1999):913-9.
Chao, Yei-Chin, Huang, Yao-Wei Huang, and Chen, Guan-Ban, 2003, “Oscillatory Effects on Flat Flame Structure in Jet-Wall Impingement”, The 2003 National Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, March, Taipei, The Combustion Institute Taipei ROC. 赵怡钦、许家睿、陈冠邦,2003,”白金微管触媒燃烧现阶段之发展研究”,2003燃烧科技应用研讨会,3月,台北市,中华民国燃烧学会。
Chao, Yuen Ren. A Grammar of Spoken Chinese[ M].University of California Press,Berkeley,Los Angeles,London. 潘文国.汉英语对比纲要[M].北京:语言文化大学出版社,1997.
Chaoan Dongfeng Guangxing Hardware &Gas Appliance Factory mainly produces: self-control type electronic teapot, Kungfu induction cooker, self-control style ceramic health care pot, electronic electric stew pan, electric heat pan, electric heat mug, Ningbo 潮安县东凤镇广兴五金燃具厂专业生产:自控式电子泡茶壶、功夫电磁炉、自控式陶瓷保健壶、电子电炖锅、电热锅、电热杯、宁波电水壶、电热开水器、液化石油气灯、中压低压中餐快速炒菜炉、火锅炉、电蚊拍等广兴系列产品。
Chaoan Jimin Ceramic Factory sticks to the product orientation of high standard,high quality and high taste.We insist on accepting ability and innovating,producing and testing by performing the national standards.Adopting scientific and precise management 潮安县集民瓷厂坚持以高标准,高质量,高品位为产品定位,注重广纳贤材,立足创新,严格执行国家标准进行生产,检测,采用科学,严谨的细化管理,持之以恒地加强质量意识,以真诚,到位的服务理念拓展市场;发展中的潮安县集民瓷厂,以独特的眼光,超前的意识,实施品牌策略,树企业形象,以市场为导向,以科技为后盾,以人为根本,开拓了具有“集民”特色的品牌之路,潮安集民瓷厂将一如既往,以雄伟的姿势和崭新的姿态昂首阔步,与您携手走向未来!

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