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Ancient Athens is said to be the cradle of democracy.

Anchored Navigation. You navigate from a fixed reference point that you mentally sense. 导航术:你的精神感觉能将你引导到固定的参考点。
Anchoring and weighing test of windlass on sea trial. 锚机航行中抛起锚试验。
Anchoring has become one of the most widely applied reinforcement in direct reinforcing, used in geotechnical engineering domain for its virtues, such as speedy reinforcing effect, good dependability, cost-effective and so on, and in recent years its appl 摘要边坡防护方法中锚固防护已成为应用最广的直接防护方法之一,它以其加固见效快,可靠性高,又比较经济等优点而广泛用于岩土工程领域,近年来在公路部门的应用也越来越多。
Anchoring the market is an outlet of the Wu-Mei (I Buy) convenience store chain, which is itself a rather bizarre bazaar, stocked with such staples as rice cookers, blouses, chili peppers, grain alcohol and cigarettes. 靠在市场一角是一家叫“物美”的连锁便利店,这家店其实也是个什么都买的大而全的商场,文具、电饭煲、裤子、辣椒、白酒、香烟等等什么都有。
Anchors aweigh! 起锚喽!
Ancient Athens is said to be the cradle of democracy. 据说古代雅典是民主的摇篮。
Ancient China flourished partly because of pro-growth, pro-trade policies and technological innovations like curved iron plows, printing and paper money. 古代中国繁荣的原因之一,是采取促进经济增长,促进贸易往来的政策,鼓励技术创新,如铁铧犁、印刷术、纸币等方面的技术革新。
Ancient China made unique contributions to many areas of science including astronomy, calendric system, geography, mathematics, agriculture, medicine and the humanities. 古代中国在天文历法、地学、数学、农学、医学和人文科学的许多领域,都作出过独特的贡献。
Ancient Chinese ceramics in recent years, the share of total market share has increased, and last year the total area of Indonesia is characterized by significant start, showing a rising trend, the market fundamentals of a record high. 近年来中国古代陶瓷在市场总份额中所占的比例逐年增加,而去年该领域行情的特点是整体启动明显,呈现出上扬的态势,市场屡有高价创出。
Ancient Chinese ecological and economical ideas originated from the ancient people's worship of totems of animals and natural phenomena as well as their agricultural civilization. 摘要中国古代的生态经济思想萌芽于古人对动物、自然环境现象的图腾崇拜以及远古时期的农耕文明。
Ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius has been the most influential educator in the history of China. 中国古代哲学家孔子是中国历史上最有影响的教育家。

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