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The paper not only discusses status in quo of network engineering and requirement of network engineer talent, but also discusses the strategy and hierarchical training of network engineer talent in detail.

The paper makes comparison among the octagonal stupa of Gandhara, stone pagoda of the Northern Liang and grottoes in Qingyang of Gansu Province, restores the octagonal stupa in Loulan and deduces the spreading routes of octagonal stupa from Gandhara to Ch 本文主要运用考古学方法,通过犍陀罗八面体佛塔与北凉石塔、甘肃庆阳石窟的比较研究,对楼兰八面体佛塔进行了复原,归纳出八面体佛塔从犍陀罗到中国的传播路线。
The paper makes out comprehensive evaluation of under pressure mining of mining area through the below aspects: analysising water-resisting layer's occurrence geologic features, physical and mechanical property and stability of Duancun-Leigou bauxite depo 摘要通过对段村-雷沟铝土矿隔水层赋存地质特点、物理力学性质及其稳定性分析和寒武-奥陶系灰岩承压含水层水文地质特征、断层破碎带及其导水性的研究,结合安全隔水层厚度量化指标的计算等,对矿区带压开采做出综合评价。
The paper makes theoretic discussions about its some questions with current relative rules of it in our country, and takes out the author's own points. 文章结合我国当前相关法律规定对定金在认定与适用中的几个问题进行了理论探讨,并提出了作者自己的观点。
The paper makes use of the Chinese Journal Full-text Database, have counted on the individual information service of study article, and from the concept of individual information service, characteristic service mode, the problem for facing and development 摘要利用中国期刊全文数据库,对有关个性化信息服务研究论文进行了统计,并从个性化信息服务的概念、特点、服务模式、面临的问题及发展趋势等方面进行了详细分析。
The paper must be folded in half. 这张纸必须对半摺叠。
The paper not only discusses status in quo of network engineering and requirement of network engineer talent, but also discusses the strategy and hierarchical training of network engineer talent in detail. 本文论述了网络工程的现状与人才需求,并详细论述了培养网络工程人才的策略和层次问题,对培养合格的网络工程人才具有一定的指导意义。
The paper observes Wang Xiao ni's poetry from three aspects: the personality characteristic of subject I(poet), and her mental state of unifying all creations on the earth; her artistic world emerged in her poetry with the core being her understanding of 从三个方面考察了王小妮的诗歌:主体“我”(即诗人)的个性特徵和与万物齐一的精神境界;诗歌文本所呈现的艺术世界,其核心是对诗人所理解的生命本质的呈现,即诗人之所“见”;主体认识和感悟世界的“看”的直观方式以及“处低”的智慧。
The paper offers appropriate measures for resolving the problems: continual shrinkage in coal productivity, a decline in the advantages of coal output by degrees, low-level deep-processing of coal and insufficient resource reserves. 研究结论认为从量上表明了煤炭资源产业优势萎缩和劣势扩张的程度,有助于确立发挥煤炭资源产业比较优势的有效途径。
The paper outlines the development of linear charge blasting techniques and puts forward the necessity of researching characteristics of blasting vibration on linear charge. 摘要简要介绍了条形药包的发展现状,指出了条形药包大爆破地震特性研究的必要性。
The paper overviewed the relationship of organic agriculture and soil ecosystem, soil is living soil, nurtures depended on soil biodiversity for organic agriculture, soil management affected soil ecology, put forward the methods for build healthy soil. 摘要论述了有机农业与土壤生态系统、有机管理对土壤和土壤微生物的关系,探讨了有机土壤管理对土壤生物体的生态效益,提出了有机农业土壤管理的措施。
The paper overviews the formation and characteristics of the technique of rapid propagation of free virus in plant tissue culture, and its application in flower, wood, fruit tree, vegetable...etc., and introduces the main technical link to produce the see 摘要综述了植物离体快速繁殖技术和脱毒技术的形成、特点及其在花卉、林木、果树、蔬菜等方面的应用,阐述了利用快繁与脱毒技术生产种苗的主要技术环节,包括培养基的作用和选配要点、外植体选取的原则和快繁与脱毒的不同要求、试管苗驯化的方法与移栽要求、种苗生产计划的制定与成本预算方法。

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