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Results show that all the geometric parameters have remarkable effects on combustion performance; the swirl of intake air generated by skew intake holes enhances fuel-air mixing, minimizes dead zone and stabilizes the flame with reverse flow, but the exce

Results show Artemisia's survival rate of manual plant were higher than machine plant and the speed of vegetation restoration in two experimental areas were quicker than CK. 试验研究表明:人工移栽的差巴嘎蒿的成活率明显高于机械移栽的成活率。
Results show a notable regional disparity in productivity-oriented investment of peasant household in agriculture; rural public utilities especially rural road, communication and water public utilities, land scale and income level of peasant household has 结果表明:农户农业生产性投资存在显著地区差异;农村道路、通讯、水利等公共事业发展,农户耕地规模,农户投资能力等对农户的农业生产性投资有显著影响;分析期间,农村道路、水利事业的发展对东部地区农户农业生产性投资存在显著影响,农村水利、通讯事业的发展对中部地区农户农业生产性投资存在显著影响,农村通讯事业的发展对西部地区农户农业生产性投资存在显著影响。
Results show a realizable model for Innovation Support System (ISS) and implement the core system. 结果提出了一个可全面支持创新支持系统(ISS)模型,并实现了系统的核心功能。
Results show good reinforcement effect can be obtained when various concrete inforcement methods are used in colligation, which can improve the disadvantages of a single method, so as to bring out the advantages of various methods and gain better reinforc 结果表明,综合运用不同的混凝土结构加固方法,可以改善单一方法的局限性,发挥不同方法的优势特性,取得了较好的加固效果。
Results show that a lot of chemical elements are lost because of draining, which causes the degeneration of wetland. 结果显示,沟渠的修建导致湿地大量化学元素丧失,湿地化学质量失衡,最终引起湿地退化。
Results show that all the geometric parameters have remarkable effects on combustion performance; the swirl of intake air generated by skew intake holes enhances fuel-air mixing, minimizes dead zone and stabilizes the flame with reverse flow, but the exce 研究表明,燃烧室进气孔的孔径、孔数、孔的分布及方向等均对燃烧性能影响很大;斜孔所产生的旋转进气,虽具有强化燃气混合、消除死区和回流稳焰的作用,但回流过度会使燃烧室及排温过高;保证进排气系统流动阻力(压力)的一致性,有助于保证加热器性能稳定。
Results show that bio-degradation of iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium played a leading role, with its rate positively related to temperature, moisture content and organic matter level of the soil, but inversely to initial concentration of iodosulfuron-methyl-so 结果表明,微生物对土壤中碘甲磺隆钠盐的降解影响甚为明显;碘甲磺隆钠盐降解速率与土壤温度、湿度及葡萄糖含量呈正相关,与该农药初始用量呈负相关。
Results show that cellulose is degraded as a result of increasing the air in dissolving bottle and prolonging the time of pulp dissolving. 结果表明,在纸浆溶解于铜乙二胺溶液过程中,溶解瓶中的空气会使纤维素发生降解,而且随空气量的增加和溶解摇动时间的延长,纸浆的黏度下降。
Results show that different axial gaps do have obvious effects on optimum clocking positions, and the aerodynamic efficiency benefits vary greatly with different axial gaps. 结果发现,叶排间轴向间距对时序效应自身影响很大,会使涡轮效率的变化幅度以及效率极值出现的位置发生明显变化。
Results show that fertility history and social characteristics of women significantly affect their sex ratio at birth, while macro level fertility policy also influences significantly sex ratio at birth both directly and through the interaction with indiv 结果表明,育龄妇女现有子女数量及性别和一些社会特征对出生性别比存在单独的影响,并且肯定了生育政策既存在对出生性别比的直接影响,也通过其与妇女以往生育结果以及其他社会特征之间的交互效应来影响出生性别比。
Results show that in the middle life range the fatigue strength of interference-fit riveting increases by about 25% compared with that of conventional riveting. 研究结果表明:在中寿命区,干涉配合铆接的疲劳强度比普通铆接的疲劳强度提高约25%。

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