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Such remote wonders as the ravishing Lofoten Islands with their red and gold cabins, brilliant white sand beaches, and “lynx foot” peaks, the Trollfjord with its narrow rocky gateway, and Finnmark with its wild, austere landscape and indigenous Sami peopl

Such refined, or choosy, consumption has become rampant in recent years, especially among an urbane social group known as bobos. 这类讲究的、甚至是有点挑剔的消费模式,近年来四处可见,尤其多发生在一群被称为「波波族」的都市新贵身上。
Such reforms could limit the ability of today's electorate to vote itself unfunded benefits. 采取这些改革措施,也许会限制当今选民为自己争取无资金支持福利的能力。
Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence. 23这些规条,使人徒有智慧之名,用私意崇拜,自表谦卑,苦待己身,其实在克制肉体的情欲上,是毫无功效。
Such relationships are not unusual. 这样的关系是不同寻常的。
Such remarks were well received in South Korea, where there had been fears of escalating tension between America and North Korea following Ms Rice\'s description of the north as an “outpost of tyranny” in January. 这样的评论被一直陷入在赖斯在一月对朝鲜“专政边缘”的描述搞得美朝紧张关系逐步升级的恐慌中的韩国所完全接受。
Such remote wonders as the ravishing Lofoten Islands with their red and gold cabins, brilliant white sand beaches, and “lynx foot” peaks, the Trollfjord with its narrow rocky gateway, and Finnmark with its wild, austere landscape and indigenous Sami peopl 引人入胜的罗浮藤岛上的红色、金色的小屋,耀眼的白沙滩,那“猞猁足”山峰,峡湾处狭窄的怪石门关,狂野但不失简约的地形地貌,以及本地的萨米人,旅途中美景尽收眼底。
Such research not only modestly patches up the gap in the study of Japanese-occupation-era theatrics in Taiwan, but is also beneficial to the observation of the interaction between movies and theatrics at the time and the cultural phenomenon of stage thea 此不仅稍补了日治时期台湾戏曲研究之缺漏,同时,对观察当时戏院与剧团间的交互关系及内台演剧文化现象亦有一定的助益。
Such risks may open illicit network connections, use polymorphic tactics to self-mutate, disable security software, modify system files, and install additional malware. 这种风险可能公开非法网络连接,战术运用多态性自我变种,安全软件失灵,修改系统档案,并增设恶意.
Such robust growth is unique among rich countries. 如此强健的人口成长在富裕国家中独树一帜。
Such rudeness is scarcely supportable. 这种粗暴的行为让人难以容忍.
Such safety measures become all the more urgent as China's iron rice bowl (i. e., the social security package provided by one's work unit) fades away. 当中国不再实行“铁饭碗”制度(也就是不再由单位提供个人的各种社会福利)时,这种安全措施就显得尤为重要。

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