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Despite struggling with relegation, Fulham stunned west London rival Chelsea 1-0 Sunday at Craven Cottage. It was only Chelsea's third league loss in 30 games this season.

Despite some mistakes made by prejudice, there were full of accurate and penetrating analyses in his ideas. 其中有不少准确精辟的分析和论述,而在个别问题上也存在着因偏见而导致的败笔。
Despite some women's reticence to do away completely with their monthly period, gynecologic experts agreed that there was no physiological downsideto a period-free life. 尽管有些妇女对彻底告别经期的做法不愿表态,妇科专家还是认为没有月经的生活不见得会有生理上的负面效应。
Despite sometimes horrific conditions and recent spells of inmate violence, parts of Brazil are considered innovative in prison management. 除去有时令人生惧的监狱环境和近来接连发生的囚犯暴力事件外,巴西部分地方的监狱管理是具有创新性的。
Despite strong growth in many of the member states, cross-border trade remains minimal. 尽管许多成员国经济增长强劲,但跨境贸易一直处于最低限度。
Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day. 执政党尽管遭到强烈反对,还是获胜了。
Despite struggling with relegation, Fulham stunned west London rival Chelsea 1-0 Sunday at Craven Cottage. It was only Chelsea's third league loss in 30 games this season. 为保级而战,富勒姆在主场克拉文农场(容量19161人)1:0击败了西伦敦对手切尔西,这是切尔西本赛季30场联赛的第3场失利。
Despite such decentralization, however, it was never forgotten that there had once been higher units of government. 然而尽管在分权制度下(大行其道),他们仍不忘有个更高的政府单位。
Despite such fears, a rapidly growing number of cinemas are going digital. 尽管有此类担忧,数字化的影院数量激增。
Despite such flaws, however, the idea of carbon offsets is a good one. 尽管有上述缺陷,然而碳抵消的概念本身是值得肯定的。
Despite such lingering questions, however, today we stand on the threshold of hope. 这些问题依然存在,不过我们现在有了希望。
Despite suffering with Barca's silent treatment, the 2006 World Cup starlet insists he has no regrets about staying at the club last summer. 尽管巴塞方面没有任何动静,2006世界杯的小明星强调,去年夏天留在俱乐部没有遗憾.

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