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Resectoscope loop biopsy is the method of choice to detect urothelial carcinoma in the prostatic urethra/prostate and such biopsies should include the area around the erumontanum to ensure optimal sensitiity.

Researching on the style and reason of its forming will help us to comprehend the general visage of poetry creation in Tang Dynasty. 研究他诗歌的创作风格和形成原因,有助于我们了解唐代诗歌创作的基本面貌。
Researching the disciplinarian of student's breaking rules, finding the point of breaking rules and probing the countermeasure of decreasing the number of breaking rules is very magnificent for school's cultivating program and the growth of students. 研究学生违纪问题的规律,找出违纪问题的所在,探索减少学生违纪比例对策,对学校人才培养和学生个人成长具有重要意义。
Resection of malignancies of the midface with anterior cranial base involvement may result in complex bone and soft tissue deficiencies. 摘要中脸部并前颅底侵犯肿瘤切除后会留下复杂之骨骼和软组织的缺损。
Resection of the cecum was performed with an uneventful postoperative course. 手术的步骤为切除终迴肠及盲肠和端对端吻合,患者手术后恢复顺利。
Resectional lung surgery is considered the mainstay of therapy for pulmonary aspergilloma with the common presentation of hemoptysis, which is frequently massive and occasionally fatal. 对于曲菌瘤的患者通常会有咳血的症状,而且多半是大量甚至会致命的咳血,而手术切除是主流的治疗方式。
Resectoscope loop biopsy is the method of choice to detect urothelial carcinoma in the prostatic urethra/prostate and such biopsies should include the area around the erumontanum to ensure optimal sensitiity. 经尿道前列腺活检是前列腺尿道以及前列腺中泌尿道上皮癌检测的一种方法选择,活检应包括精阜周围区域以确保最佳的敏感性。
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Resemblance to the person named by the hair, the hair is about as slim, called hair vegetable. 因形似人的头发而得名,纤细如发丝,俗称头发菜。
Resemble me that waited for ever and everlasting, too tired! 就像我那曾经天长地久的等待一样,太累了!
Resembling a dream; ethereal or vague. 如梦的象梦似的;飘渺的或朦胧的
Resembling a feather or plume. 似羽毛的类似羽毛或大羽的

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