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Lozenge - Honesty and constancy, also held to be a token of noble birth.

Loyalty means doing your best. 那麽什麽是忠恕?
Loyalty nevertheless again comes full circle. 然而忠诚度再次形成完整的循环。
Loyalty to the former king still persists in parts of the country. 该国一些地方仍有人忠於前国王.
Loyola Consumer Law Reporter--- 洛约拿消费者法律报告,芝加哥洛约拿大学主办.
Loyola University. Online neuroanatomy course information and content. 罗耀拉大学。在线神经解剖教程的信息和内容。
Lozenge - Honesty and constancy, also held to be a token of noble birth. 菱形-诚实和坚定,这也被认为是他作为贵族而与生俱来的天赋。
Lozumi K,Hoganson GE,Pennella R, et al. Role of tyrosinase as the determinant of pigmentation in cultured human melanocytes [J ]. J Invest Dermatol 1993,100(6) :806. 邓军,叶庆俞,刁庆春.芳香维甲酸乙脂对紫外线诱导的人黑素细胞黑素合成的影响[J].中华皮肤科杂志,1997,30(6):389.
Lssaias Afwerki, Eritrean President, Chairman of Eritrean People's Front for Democracy and Justice. 伊萨亚斯·阿费沃尔基,厄立特里亚总统、厄立特里亚人民民主和正义阵线主席。
Lt has ca-rried out quality system to ISO9001 and made good operation system integrating production, research &development,management,and s-ales,which are the four parts of its frame. 公司的架构主要分为四个部分,实现了生产、研发、管理、销售取的良好运作体系。
Lt mainly produces and sells miniature circuit breakers, leakage circuit breakers, AC contactors , thermal relay, ATS, construction apparatus, modular terminal combination apparatus and so on. 主要生产销售小型断路器、漏电断路器、交流接触器、热继电器、双电源、建筑电器、模数化终端组合等电器产品。
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: It's never necessary to tell me that you think I'm right. We'll just... assume it. 没有必要告诉我你认为我是正确的。我们将会...认定是这样。

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