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Betty: Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive.

Betty: Black hens are more clever than white ones, aren't they? 贝特:黑母鸡比白母鸡聪明多了,不是吗?
Betty: Can I go to your computer class, too? 贝蒂:我也可以去上你们的电脑课吗?
Betty: Can I have the key to the front door , please? 贝蒂:我可以带前门钥匙吗?
Betty: Can you type very fast? 贝蒂:你打字很快吗?
Betty: Do you ever go by taxi? 贝蒂:你曾经坐出租车去吗?
Betty: Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive. 不要以为你是个颠覆分子,就可以无视我们的传统。
Betty: Don't disrespect me just because you're not. 不要因为你没结婚,就不尊重我。
Betty: Great. We're offering a special promotional price on a few of the items. Which items did you have in mind? 好的。我们现在有几项产品特价。你对哪些产品有兴趣?
Betty: His name was Mike Sweet. 贝:他叫麦克·克威特。
Betty: How do you go to class? 贝蒂:你怎么去上课呢?
Betty: I thought you'd never ask. 贝蒂:我想你从未问过。

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