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A simple little demo that shows how to enumerate the registry to extract all Sounds associated by applications and utilities, including the system sounds.

A simple friend has never seen you cry .A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears. 玩伴从未看过你哭,知己则被你的眼泪浸湿过肩膀。
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed. 一个普通的朋友讨厌你在他睡了后打来。
A simple game, but very cute! 一个简单的游戏,但是很可爱!
A simple grammatical structure (sentence: noun phrase/verb phrase/noun phrase) can generate increasingly complex structures both at the level of the sentence and beyond to the paragraph, the chapter, the book even. 一个简单的语法结构能够产生出无限复杂的结构,包括在句子的层次和超越段落、章节甚至书的层次。
A simple idea blinds us, and under the cover of darkness, much happens that most of us would reject if any of us looked. 一个简单的想法令我们盲目,许多事在黑幕之下发生,如果任何一个人看到了都会坚决抵制。
A simple little demo that shows how to enumerate the registry to extract all Sounds associated by applications and utilities, including the system sounds. 这个简单的小例子演示了如何枚举注册表来所有应用程序和工具相关联的声音,包括系统声音。
A simple majority of those present and voting is required for each article or the resolution as a whole to pass. 必须获得出席议员的半数,才能通过个别「弹劾文」或决议整体全案。
A simple method of calculating the grey relational grades of grey numeral sequences whose whiting values are consistent was also obtained. 对取数一致的灰数序列,给出了一种计算灰关联度的简便方法。
A simple microwave oven, door removed, with the door interlock switch bypassed, and held against the bedroom wall of a target in an apartment building or semi-detached house. 一个简单的微波炉,门被移除了,门锁开关设了旁路,并对准一栋公寓或半独立住宅的目标的卧室。
A simple offering of earth and water. 土地和水这样简单的祭品。
A simple option for consumer upgrades, and mobile / low-cost devices. 一个移动/低价,或者经过普通的升级的设备。

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