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The effectiveness of proposed method is validated with simulation on a bulk polymerization reactor of styrene.

The effectiveness of Lev was confirmed and revealed in three pivotal multicenter, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trials conducted in the United States and Europe that Lev is well tolerable and safe for patients with seizure, cog 全球范围的3个重要多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照临床试验结果显示左乙拉西坦具有确切的抗癫痫疗效和很好的耐受性,可用于治疗癫痫、神经痛和其他神经系统疾病。
The effectiveness of disinfection also depends on the physical methods adopted. 消毒剂的效力也有赖于所采用的物理方法。
The effectiveness of filtering depends on the correctness of stacking velocity. 进行压制时的滤波技术是否有效,关键在于叠加速度是否准确。
The effectiveness of first two in drawing tourists lies in the fact that they are located near large cities from which they can easily attract large crowds, and that they have recreational facilities suitable for children and young people. 其中,前两者的观光效果分别是因为都市近郊容易汇聚人潮,以及适合儿童、年轻人的玩乐设施,不过其特点是必须投注大量的金钱以购入设备。
The effectiveness of local network after earthquake has significant impact on the function of hazard mitigation. 摘要震灾发生后都市地区道路系统的功能发挥正常与否,直接影响避难与救灾的成效,相对减低灾害伤亡的可能。
The effectiveness of proposed method is validated with simulation on a bulk polymerization reactor of styrene. 在苯乙烯间歇聚合反应模型上进行了仿真分析,验证了该方法的有效性。
The effectiveness of sales promotion can be tempered by psychological barriers, and this fact is applicable to middlemen as well as consumers. 无论是中间商还是消费者,只要有了心理障碍,便会使促销活动的效果打折扣。
The effectiveness of testing effort can be maximized by using CE technique together with appropriate use of automated test execution tools such as Script Execution Test Tool (SETT) and TestExpert. 在系统测试用例的复查/审核过程中,矩阵还能用来检查产品的需求说明书与测试用例的一致性。
The effectiveness of the PLC-based control software is satisfactory up to 96% of the synchronous speed. 基于PLC的控制软件的工作效率可达同步速度的96%,非常令人满意.
The effectiveness of the Plan will center on the TRF's ability to identify, cultivate and solicit 40 major gifts at or above US$500,000. 这计划的效率,端赖扶轮基金会是否有能力去寻找、培养及邀请40位50万美元或以上之钜额捐献人。
The effectiveness of the new potential field is verified by simulations. 仿真实验验证了新的势场方法的有效性。

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