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What do you make out of the difficulty trying to ventilate her during a prior anesthetic?

What do you make of it? 你怎么理解它的?
What do you make of the New Bollywood? 你是怎样创造新宝莱坞风格?
What do you make of the On-line vs. Memory-Based debate? 你如何看待凭记忆辩论相对于线上辨论?
What do you make of this memo the dean sent out about late registration? 你对系主任发出的这个关于(学生)迟(于截止期)注册(处理办法)的备忘录怎么看?
What do you make of this statement? 你对于这段论述有何看法?
What do you make out of the difficulty trying to ventilate her during a prior anesthetic? 在该患者上次麻醉中出现通气困难时你怎样做?
What do you make the time? 你看(现在)几点钟了?
What do you mark on a federal election ballot? 在联邦选举的选票上,你应标注什麽?
What do you mean by (= when you say) “off-hand”? 你说「随便」是什麽意思?
What do you mean by full production? 全方位的开发是什么意思?
What do you mean by locking yourself in, blockhead?” 你是什么意思上锁,傻子?

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