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Resonance Raman Study of the Photodissociation Dynamics of the CT-Band Absorption of Nitrobenzene in Cyclohexane Solution, Xin-Ming Zhu, Shu-Qiang Zhang , Xuming Zheng* , and David Lee Phillips*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2005, 109,3086-3093.

Resolving the problem ultimately and establishing of internal riskcontrol mechanism should depend on further reformation in bank industry. 问题的根本解决及内控机制的真正建立只能寄希望于银行业进一步的深化改革。
Resolving these dilemmas needs reconstruct and extend the epistemology-base of the idea of a university. 突破困境则需要对这单一的逻辑起点进行改造和扩充。
Resolving these problems is in the interests of both countries. 解决这些问题符合两国的利益。
Resolving to tackle the relatively high tra action costs linked to currency conversion and the uncertainties linked to exchange-rate fluctuatio , Madrid European Council launched the first stage of EMU: full liberalization of capital movements in eight Me 为了解决货币兑换交易成本相对较高的问题,以及汇率动荡的不确定性,马德里欧盟委员会启动了欧洲货币联盟的第一阶段:在1990年7月1日之前实现其中八个成员国内部资本流动的完全自由化。
Resolving to tackle the relatively high transaction costs linked to currency conversion and the uncertainties linked to exchange-rate fluctuations, Madrid European Council launched the first stage of EMU: full liberalization of capital movements in eight 为了解决货币兑换交易成本相对较高的问题,以及汇率动荡的不确定性,马德里欧盟委员会启动了欧洲货币联盟的第一阶段:在1990年7月1日之前实现其中八个成员国内部资本流动的完全自由化。
Resonance Raman Study of the Photodissociation Dynamics of the CT-Band Absorption of Nitrobenzene in Cyclohexane Solution, Xin-Ming Zhu, Shu-Qiang Zhang , Xuming Zheng* , and David Lee Phillips*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2005, 109,3086-3093. 己烯复合物电子转移振动重组能的共振拉曼光谱强度分析,朱宏峰,郑旭明*,高等学校化学学报,26(9),(2005).
Resonance would occur again, but not so strong as before. 共振会再次发生,但不如先前那么强。
Resonant mass detectors are less expensive to build than laser interferometer detectors. 建造共振质量探测仪不像建造激光干涉计探测仪那么昂贵。
Resort construction of a bowling alley tennis courts snooker table tennis room dance halls lodge KTV the art room gym fishing pond swimming pool and other recreational facilities in Four Seasons open to you to make your presence pleasant. 可供130位宾客开会的大型会议室是参照联合国会议中心标准设计建造的,另有中、小型会议室可供您学习研讨或召开重要会议。
Resort to force is forbidden in this school. 在该学校之中诉诸武力是被禁止的。
Resorted to extremes in the emergency. 在紧急状态下诉诸非常手段

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